- The Washington Times - Friday, July 19, 2019

Berkeley City Council member Rigel Robinson turned down an invitation to talk about the renaming of manholes as “maintenance holes” on Fox News with Tucker Carlson, calling the host a “white supremacist goblin” and a “racist” and a bunch of other stuff.

That’s not as bad as what he said about CNN for bringing on white supremacist Richard Spencer for a chat about President Donald Trump, though.

Oh, wait — strike that.

There aren’t any headlines about Robinson sounding the angry alarms over CNN’s reach-out to Spencer.

But on Carlson, Robinson said this, in an email chain with a Fox News booker that was reported by SFGate.com: “Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come on the show. Tucker Carlson is a dangerous, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist goblin who I am not interested in engaging with.”


He couldn’t just write “thank you, but no thank you?” State Sen. Scott Weiner weighed in on Twitter, writing about Robinson’s response, as The Hill noted: “A man after my own heart. Great work.”

Carlson is probably safe in shrugging off this criticism, though.

Robinson is the guy who spearheaded Berkeley’s elimination of all words from the city’s code that identify gender — like “manhole.” And “manpower,” which now becomes “human effort.” The new policy also swaps out all references to “he” and “she” to “they” and “them.”

And here’s the reason for the language censorship, according to Berkeley Side: “Amending the municipal code to include gender-neutral pronouns by eliminating any gender preference language within the municipal code will promote equality.”

It’s always a good thing when crazy people denounce you.

It shows you’re on the right side of sanity.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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