- The Washington Times - Friday, July 19, 2019

Sens. Ted Cruz and Bill Cassidy introduced a resolution to formally label antifa a domestic terrorist organization and saying, in follow-up written remarks, that the group “must be stopped,” that its members are fascists “protected by liberal privilege,” and that it’s high time elected officials stepped in and did something.


So, too, would the conservative journalist, Andy Ngo, who was attacked by antifa-tied thugs while attempting to report on a Portland rally. 

So, too, would John Blum and Adam Kelly, two others attacked by antifa at this same Portland rally.

So, too, would those at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Tacoma, Washington, who withstood the attack of an antifa thug, armed with what local media described as “a rifle and incendiary devices,” and calling out the facility as a “concentration camp.”

So, too, would countless other antifa victims who’ve been harmed for the crime of being conservative. Or having a mind that works.

Now let’s see how many Democrats sign on versus stand silent. Or are they too busy penning resolutions condemning President Donald Trump as a racist?

The reason for the antifa season is because Democrats, the party of tolerance, have ratcheted up political rhetoric to the point of practically applauding shows of leftist violence in the streets.

Remember Nancy Pelosi’s summer of resistance? Recall Maxine Waters and her famous “God is on our side” speech about the need for more, more, more confrontation of Trump administration officials “in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station” — pretty much anywhere in public, and even at their homes?

And just a couple days ago, there was this headline, on a BlazeTV video posted on YouTube: “Ilhan Omar and ’The Squad’ Refuse to Condemn al-Qaeda and Antifa Terrorism.”

Yes, indeed. Democrats and antifa.

Tied at the hip.

So let’s see how the left responds to this resolution — this resolution which really, should be a no-brainer.

It simply calls on the Senate to condemn antifa’s thuggish violence and for “groups and organizations across the country who act under the banner of antifa to be designated as domestic terrorist organizations.”

Simple enough.

As Cassidy tweeted: “Antifa is a domestic terror organization. This is a group of hateful, intolerant radicals pursuing their extreme agenda through violence. They are masked bigots, attacking others b/c they don’t agree with their ideas. The time to stop Antifa is NOW!”

As Cassidy also wrote: “Antifa are terrorists, violent masked bullies who ’fight fascism’ with actual fascism, protected by liberal privilege. Bullies get their way until someone says no. Elected officials must have courage, not cowardice, to prevent terror.”

As Cruz tweeted: “Antifa is a terrorist organization composed of hateful, intolerant radicals who pursue their extreme agenda through aggressive violence. Time and time again their actions have demonstrated that their central purpose is to inflict harm on those who oppose their views.”

As Cruz also tweeted: “Like any terrorist organization they choose to pursue their political ends through violence, fear & intimidation. They must be stopped. I’m proud to introduce this resolution w @SenBillCassidy to properly identify what Antifa are: domestic terrorists.”

Only antifa and antifa supporters could oppose.

So it’ll be interesting to see what Democrats affix their names to this resolution — and what Democrats don’t. Silence on this very simple resolution will speak volumes.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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