By Associated Press - Thursday, July 18, 2019

ROME (AP) - The Vatican has responded to a formal protest by the Spanish government over a controversy regarding the remains of Gen. Francisco Franco, saying it never intended to meddle with Spain’s domestic affairs.

In early July, Spain sent a formal protest to the Vatican after the papal nuncio in Madrid rebuked the Socialist government for “resuscitating” Franco through its efforts to move the former dictator’s remains. The deputy head of the Socialist caretaker government noted that the diplomat’s comments amounted to “interference” in Spanish affairs.

Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti clarified on Thursday that nuncio Renzo Fratini - who has since left Spain after concluding his mandate - was expressing his own opinion.

Fratini said the Spanish government “had resuscitated Franco” by stirring a public debate over its exhumation plans.

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