- The Washington Times - Wednesday, July 17, 2019

What marketing and branding genius.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley and Ilhan Omar have managed to ball their socialist viewpoints into a cute and college-y sounding name, branding themselves the “squad” — as if they’re more smiling sorority sisters than dangerous anti-American lawmakers with power.

But let’s remember: They’re socialists.

They’re not “squad” members.

They’re socialists — and that makes them, automatically and by logical extension, squanderers.

Their intent is to take the tax dollars from one pocket and give it to another — to another who they deem more worthy than the person who earned it in the first place.

They would squander tax dollars on social justice programs aimed at elevating the lowest common denominator of society — the illegals, the felons, the do-nothings who want nothing to do with a hard day’s work in return for an honest day’s pay. They would squander America’s borders to the wind. They would squander America’s chugging economy to Third World country interests. They would squander America’s sovereignty to the likes of the United Nations, to the interests of global elites.

They would squander tax dollars to pay for “free” college for all, “free” child care for working mothers, “free” health care coverage for everybody, “free” paychecks and reparations’ funds for minorities and specifically, blacks; “free” prescription pills, “free” jobs and housing for whomever — and all of this, while condemning and destroying Big Business, the free market and capitalism as we know it.


Sure. They’re part of a cheerleading squad, rooting for America’s demise.

But let’s just skip the sarcasm and snark, the marketing masquerade and branding bull, and call these four socialists what they are: squanderers.

Spending their congressional capital squandering away America’s private sector, America’s tax dollars, America’s sovereignty, America’s greatness — for a dark socialist vision that’s simply doomed to fail.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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