- Monday, July 15, 2019

I can’t wait for Robert Mueller to sit down in front of the House Judiciary Committee and its Republican members (“Democrats fear loss of momentum with delay of Mueller testimony,” Web, July 14). No matter what happens, there will be a huge story to tell. If Mr. Mueller “takes the Fifth,” it will show that he is indeed hiding something or protecting someone specific, like Hillary Clinton. If Mr. Mueller decides to answer the questions posed truthfully and completely, then politically Democratic heads will roll. If he knew there was no case to pursue against President Trump early on but he did it anyway to help the leaders of the coup, he himself becomes a target for legal action.

It doesn’t matter to the Americans I’ve talked to what Mr. Mueller says. His expressions, body language and demeanor will tell a story as well. It is common knowledge across the nation that Mr. Mueller and his confederates harbored a deep disdain for the president and were prepared to conduct whatever operation was necessary to unseat him.

That operation has crumbled, but the foundation still needs to be removed — and that is where the hearing with the Judiciary Committee will help the most. Mr. Mueller has been around a long time and he knows his way around a hearing. However, so do the House Republicans and I hope they are coming to the hearing prepared to do their best, because what happens with Mr. Mueller might very well lock the 2020 nomination and election for Mr. Trump.

Mr. Mueller is an equal participant in the ongoing coup against the president and should be treated by the Republicans as a very hostile witness. He should not be allowed to hide behind his report, and every tool should be brought to bear during his testimony so we know who all of the players are and what their roles were. Then indictments need to be handed down and prosecutions begun. Justice is just chomping at the bit to be served.


Gainesville, Fla.

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