- The Washington Times - Thursday, July 11, 2019

Tucker Carlson of Fox News is under fire for speaking critically of a congresswoman he pays — whom we all pay — to defend the Constitution from enemies, both foreign and domestic, and who isn’t doing a very good job of it. Her name is Rep. Ilhan Omar.

But because Omar doesn’t like Carlson’s reporting, she tweeted this: “Fox News is now giving a nightly platform to white supremacist rhetoric. It’s dangerous. Advertisers should not be underwriting hate speech.”

This isn’t just another example of the left’s intolerance for differing opinions. It’s an example of the left’s utterly evil need to destroy anyone who dares criticize.

And in Omar’s case, her demand to destroy comes with a well-funded, well-equipped calling card.

A glimpse of her dark shadows?

In 2015, Alexander Soros, the son of billionaire George Soros, launched the Bend the Arc Jewish Action PAC.

As Politico reported back then: “Bend the Arc PAC will back progressive candidates by making direct contributions to their campaign committees. It will focus on issues such as income inequality, marriage equality, social justice and immigration reform.”

And apparently, on taking down Fox News.

This week, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action tweeted this, in response to Carlson’s commentary on Omar: “Tucker Carlson and Fox News have a history of white supremacy. They peddle and give a platform to bigotry and racism. It’s time to hold them accountable. Advertisers should not be funding hate. #DropFox.”

And this: “Last night, Tucker Carlson launched a racist attack on @IlhanMN saying that she ’is a living fire alarm.’ Here’s who ran ads during that segment … RT to ask them if they support this hateful rhetoric. #DropFox.”

And this: “This is a violent & dangerous attack on a sitting congresswoman because of who she is and what she stands for. It’s white nationalism in action. @IlhanMN won’t back down. And we must loudly have her back and keep supporting the rights & leadership of immigrants in this country.”

What a brilliantly devious strategy for a supposed “Jewish Action” group to come out swinging on behalf of the Muslim congresswoman who’s been plagued by accusations of anti-Semitism.

But remember: That’s what this is — a devious strategy. Nothing more.

The left, led by vicious anti-American forces, is on a wide-sweeping mission to stomp out any vestige of freedom — or critical thinking — in this country, so as to establish a collectivist, easily controlled system of governing. Omar is a cog. Bend the Arc is a cog.

Carlson, Fox News, these are just the left’s latest targets.

What’s important for all of America to remember is that like Carlson or not, like Fox News or not, agree with Carlson or Fox or any other recent target of the left or not — it’s the spirit of America the left actually wants to kill.

The enemy is gunning for your freedom, too.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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