- The Washington Times - Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Virginia just proposed a bill that would allow women, until pretty much the very moment of birth, to abort.

It was tabled just this week. But the point that it was even brought forth is inconceivable — like something out of Nazi Germany and the euthanasia of the undesirables. And in a state, no less, with the motto of “sic semper tyrannis,” or “thus always to tyrants,” a phrase that’s supposed to evoke images of freedom and justice.

Not so for the babies, apparently. Mock, mock.

The bill, called the Repeal Act, was introduced in part by Delegate Kathy Tran, reportedly with the support of Gov. Ralph Northam. It would allow women to obtain abortions without having to wait the required 24 hours and without having to undergo an ultrasound — and oh yeah, without having to make a decision about what to do about the baby before the 40-week mark of pregnancy. 

In other words, women in the throes of delivery, as dilation is progressing, could suddenly say, hey there doc, you know what, I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want to be a mom after all.

Come on now, Democrats. Even you guys on the left who support abortion — or, as you like to say, a woman’s right to choose — must have a problem with this. Doesn’t this bring on even a tiny bit of squeamishness?

What’s worse, Virginia’s Repeal Act, tabled as it was, came on the heels of a New York bill that passed into law giving more leeway for late-term and third-trimester abortions and removing criminal penalties for physicians who perform the procedure. Trend, anyone?

“When questioned by subcommittee chairman Todd Gilbert in Monday’s hearing [in the Virginia statehouse], Tran confirmed that a woman going into labor at 40 weeks’ gestation, which is a full-term baby, would be eligible for an abortion,” The Federalist wrote.

Tran was then asked this, the news outlet continued: “She’s dilating … I’m asking if your bill allows” for abortion at that point. And her answer?

“My bill would allow that,” Tran reportedly said. “Yes.”

Good Lord, people.

First New York. Now Virginia. Wait for it, wait for it, more states led by progressive-minded politicos will follow. 

And without moderate Democrats weighing in and putting a stop to this madness, more states will go more the New York route than the Virginia route. More bills giving leeway for third-trimester abortions will pass than be tabled.

It’s one thing to claim a fetus is not a life.

It’s another thing entirely to deny that a fully formed baby just seconds from birth is a life.

In the eyes of many, they’re both murder. But that second scenario — that just takes a whole new level of horrifying coldness to stomach. Surely, on this we can all agree: If the baby’s head is about to be seen, then that’s a life and worthy of saving. 

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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