- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty fame warned that America was rapidly losing its moral compass, its godly guidance, its biblically-centered political posturing — and that without some concerted efforts on the parts of the people of virtue, this nation, in just a few short decades, will be unrecognizable.

And he feels so strongly about it, he put it in a book, “The Theft of America’s Soul: Blowing the Lid Off the Lies That Are Destroying Our Country,” due out Feb. 5.

“My prediction is you won’t even recognize the United States of America if it continues on its current path by 2050,” Robertson said, in a telephone interview. “I wrote this book to try and get ’em to look.”

To Robertson, the morals and politics of a nation are one and the same.

And it’s the education system that serves as the glue.

“The Founding Fathers warned that when you lose your religion … that when humans forget God,” Robertson said, “what will happen is the electorate will become depraved.”

He cited Romans 1:28 — how those who fail to “retain God” in their minds will, as a consequence, be given “over to a reprobate mind,” as the Scripture reads. His point? As the people go, so goes the culture; as the culture goes, so go the political systems.

“Once the electorate goes depraved,” Robertson said, “that begets government officials who are depraved. … If humans do not bow to God, they will fix it so you bow to them.”

Voila. Enter Big Government. Enter nanny-state governance.

Enter New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and all the socialist do-gooders who promise much — but only by force and control, only by selling an entitlement line to the masses.

“Unless people begin to understand that nobody owes them anything, this big government thing [will stay],” he warned. “If and until we don’t put God back in schools, I’m afraid it’s going to keep spinning out of control.”

So Robertson, in 11 brief book chapters, offers a way out of what he describes as the lies that have shrouded Americans’ eyes for far too long. And the time for truth is now, he said. The 11th hour has come.

“We’ve been on this no-God thing about 60 years,” he said.

Translation: It’s going to be a tough slog to bring this country back to moral governance, as envisioned by founders, as set forth in the founding documents. It’s going to be a challenge to bring back the bright to America’s light on that hill. But it’s far from impossible, he said.

“I’m just one man looking at the world through spiritual laws,” Robertson said. “But it’s really not rocket science. It’s about loving God and loving one another.”

The Golden Rule. Good stuff.

But add to that one more: Never ceding the battle. Never quitting the fight.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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