- Sunday, January 27, 2019

When discussing our president in her TV interviews, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi comes across as a functional illiterate with a vindictive streak a mile wide. Her supporters say she is a brilliant strategist, but all I see is a miserable, mean-spirited malcontent with contempt for the people of this country.

Mrs. Pelosi took an oath of office in which she swore to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and “faithfully discharge the duties of [her] office.” Yet she continues to go back to the old Democratic playbook move of blaming the other guy for what she has done. She blames President Trump for shutting down the government, but she refuses to budge an inch on behalf of the people. She is supposed to defend us against foreign and domestic enemies but instead she leaves us vulnerable to terrorists, drug dealers and the like by not supporting the president’s efforts to protect us. This is by definition treason.

Mrs. Pelosi’s latest insult to the people and the president was to deny Trump the right to give the State of the Union address in the people’s house. Mrs. Pelosi’s hatred for the president shows her contempt for the people who voted him into office. My solution is for our president to give the State of the Union at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where the Declaration of Independence and the signing of the Articles of Confederation took place.

As for leaving our boarders open to the migrants, keep the migrants and deport Mrs. Pelosi and her supporters.


Warrenville, S.C.

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