- The Washington Times - Friday, January 25, 2019

Rush Limbaugh told his radio audience on Friday that the FBI’s predawn raid on longtime political operative Roger Stone’s home highlights “the criminalization of political opponents.”

The man behind the “golden EIB microphone” special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation is a giant “hoax” perpetrated on the American people with willing participants in the media.

Mr. Stone was indicted on charges of obstruction, making false statements, and witness tampering.

“There’s exonerating evidence even in the indictment about collusion because it accuses Stone … Some of the illegal, quote-unquote, ’stuff’ Stone did was trying to find out what WikiLeaks had,” Mr. Limbaugh said. “If there were any Trump-Russia collusion there wouldn’t be any curiosity about what WikiLeaks had because Trump and Russia would have been responsible for what WikiLeaks had so they wouldn’t have any reason to ask. They would know! … Why there is not a national outrage over this entire investigation, I will not understand.”

“It’s beyond my ability here to categorize how audacious, how bad, how outrageous, how damaging, how harmful, how destructive this is to our country, to our system of justice,” the conservative commentator continued. “I mean, it is clearly the criminalization of political opponents. It is basically turning what people in politics do, criminal. It’s reducing it to crime if they are your opponents.”

Mr. Limbaugh went on to blast the “breathless” media for lending credence to the FBI’s raid.

SEE ALSO: Dan Bongino: ‘Highly unusual’ for FBI to ‘hit the door’ on Roger Stone for ‘process crime’

“They want video as they storm into Stone’s house because, as a previous caller said, the video of all these agents — under cover of darkness! Why do you go in there at 6 o’clock? To make sure this disgustingly vile criminal can’t sneak out and escape,” he said. “You go in there when he’s asleep! So the pictures, the video is designed to prove the legitimacy of the investigation.”

“People will conclude, ’My God, this guy must be bad! They really must have the goods on this guy to go this length. They must be really afraid this guy’s gonna hop a plane to Venezuela if we don’t capture him while he’s asleep,’” Mr. Limbaugh continued. “That’s what the media is out there helping people to understand. … Stone’s in there sawing Zs. His dog and his wife are in there.”

Mr. Stone’s bail was set at $250,000 by a federal judge on Friday.

Travel for the political operative is restricted to south Florida, Washington, D.C., Virginia and New York.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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