- Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The House speaker’s position on border walls being immoral is a front for the real agenda of Nancy Pelosi. It’s her mission to proffer the false narrative that she is the president’s equal. She is not.

While the legislative branch of government is equal to both the executive and judiciary branches, Mrs. Pelosi’s personal power is limited to one congressional vote for her district constituents, who elected her as their congressional representative, and the House Democrats, who elected her as speaker. Under our Constitution, the president was lawfully elected by the will of the people, as reflected by the Electoral College. He is chief executive of the federal government and commander in chief of the armed forces.

Mrs. Pelosi’s actions are a raw power grab to obstruct the president because of her inflated ego and her morally corrupt pandering to the #Resist movement and ultra-far-left socialists. We the people are not stupid, Mrs. Pelosi, only your constituents are. End your shutdown, build the much-needed border barrier and stop using the federal treasury as a personal slush fund.


Virginia Beach, Va.

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