- The Washington Times - Monday, January 21, 2019

The big border wall showdown between President Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a veritable cast of thousands is escalating. Eager for buzzworthy drama or Trump-bashing extravaganzas, the restless news media has been confabulating multiple scenarios for better or worse as the clock ticks.

One veteran talk radio host, however, ponders the identity of the “Dreamers” at the center of the debate.

“I realize that Congresswoman Pelosi has dreamers and Trump has dreamers, and the church has dreamers, but what happened to, we, the American people who dreamed about making America great again? As Congress prepares for a showdown on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, I maintain that American dreamers have the right to dream first. And we have an obligation to encourage this: Dreams by Americans plant seeds that grow and nurture America,” Michael Savage writes in “American dreamers dream first,” a terse op-ed published Monday on his website.

“We are the real dreamers and we are far more numerous than are, the interlopers and the invaders. We, the American people who voted for Donald Trump, are the real dreamers. We have a vision of our nation unified, strong, visionary — not for this minority or that but for all. That is the heart of our Declaration of Independence. We have a dream and that dream is to make America great again,” says Mr. Savage, who cited Pew Research Center polling data that shows many “Dreamers” are adults rather than children or “studious” teens.

“The cities and states are bending over backwards to cater to this population. They are ’virtue signaling’ to win the favor of progressive media and voters. It’s all about kowtowing to special interests, not doing what is right. Why did you think they open the floodgates to keep the masses that they are bringing in ignorant masses other than to keep them distracted so they won’t be thrown out of office. Never forget we are the dreamers. Time to make American dreamers’ dreams first, not last,” declares Mr. Savage.


In theory, President Trump will deliver is State of the Union address one week from Tuesday, on Jan. 29. In theory, anyway. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggests he postpone the annual rite until the government shutdown goes bye-bye; Mr. Trump, however, already has tweeted that “A contract is a contract.”

Meanwhile, North Carolina state Rep. Tim Moore has offered his own historic statehouse as a substitute set for the address, should the need arise. And he made a very canny marketing point in his pitch to the president.

“I also believe taking your message outside of the nation’s gilded capital to a state government venue reflects the priorities of your administration, and those of our Congress, to create success not only for federal institutions and programs but for the American people they serve,” noted Mr. Moore.

“The majestic character of our state House chamber and the splendor of North Carolina’s breathtaking landscapes are a fitting venue to deliver your second State of the Union address.”


The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List has reviewed Planned Parenthood’s recently released annual report and has shared what it has learned.

“Their own numbers reveal how central performing and promoting abortion is to their business model. In 2017-18 Planned Parenthood reported 332,757 abortions, a jump of more than 11,000, while there was no increase in unique patients. Non-abortion services continued to decline, as they have dramatically over the last decade. Planned Parenthood’s total income and taxpayer funding both hit record highs ($1.67 billion and $563.8 million respectively) — in fact, taxpayer funding has increased more than 55 percent in the last 10 years,” the Susan B. Anthony List notes in its fact sheet.

“With a recent Marist poll showing that a strong majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, there is no excuse for continuing to funnel more than half a billion dollars from taxpayers to the nation’s largest abortion business. It’s simply a bad investment as we’ve pointed out time and again,” the organization says.


Meryl Streep is among the five actresses to portray Margaret Thatcher, winning an Oscar for her role in the 2011 film “The Iron Lady.” Someone else also has been cast in the role, this time for the popular Netflix series “The Crown.” That would be Gillian Anderson, beloved among many for her portrayal of FBI agent Dana Scully on “The X-Files.”

Miss Anderson is to appear in the fourth season of the series, which essentiality whisks through the years 1964-76, in the era of British Prime Minister Harold Wilson. Production begins sometime in the summer. The casting call has caused Miss Anderson’s “left-wing fans” to complain, according to The Guardian.

“The apparent issue is that Anderson is too hot to play Thatcher, and her beauty will humanize the reviled politician while making Anderson herself less likable,” says the British news organization.

Yes, well. But conservatives will want to know: If Thatcher is in the script, will her close ally Ronald Reagan also be included in the production?


All or nothing at all on the immigration battlefield? Some think so.

“Trading any form of amnesty for a small down payment on the border wall is not only a bad deal, but a betrayal of the trust of the American people. For the last two decades, Congress has promised to secure the borders and it has repeatedly failed. Unfortunately, talk of an amnesty — or an extension of amnesty — will only exacerbate the current humanitarian and public safety crisis on the border and result in more, not less, illegal immigration,” says Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a grass-roots group that boasts some 2 million members.

“The outright refusal of Democratic leaders to acknowledge the need for a border wall and their immediate rejection of the president’s proposal underscores how far left the Democrats have drifted and the enormous amount of weight the open borders lobby carries within their party,” he notes.


61 percent of Americans are satisfied with “the position of women” in U.S. society.

65 percent of men and 57 percent of women agree.

83 percent of Republican men and 81 percent of Republicans women agree.

65 percent of independent men and 55 percent of independent women agree.

49 percent of Democratic men and 44 percent of Democratic women agree.

Source: A Gallup Poll of 1,017 U.S. adults conducted Jan. 2-19.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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