- The Washington Times - Sunday, January 20, 2019

Ann Coulter, one of America’s smartest woman arsonists and brashest wingers, tweeted her angst about President Trump’s proffered deal on border security and ending the shutdown:‬‬‬‬‬‬‬

‪”Trump proposes amnesty. We voted for Trump and got Jeb!”

‬‬‬No, Ann, he’s no Bush.

Have we got ourselves in this White House a tall-wall fanatic willing to deal at any cost?


OK, is he a wall fanatic willing to deal at a reasonable cost?


You got a problem with that?

You, dear Ann, can be as pure as the snow that is about to drive you and half the county under electric blankets.

On the other (big) hand, the Trumpster’s got to deal with Democrats who loved a border wall till they didn’t.

“Didn’t” coincided with the election of the first president since Reagan that has managed to say what he means and mean what he says and say it with unimaginably few words at his disposal.

And the first since Reagan to show he means what he says often enough to make him a remarkable politician loathed by the loyal opposition.

Yes, Dems regard themselves as loyal Americans and the genuine article when it comes to patriots.

Remember who said this in 2008?

“I voted numerous times… to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.”

Yes, it was the Democrat who was supposed to win in 2016.

And you can bet your bottom dollar whoever our Democratic friends make their nominee in 2020 will be as hot for a border barrier as Hillary Clinton was.

Before she wasn’t.

Bedsides, even the crassest Democrat chasers after the Hispanic vote knows not all Hispanics vote all Democrat all the time.

Some, nay many, are as crazy for borders and walls — and law and order and jobs — as your typical Trumpian.

Take Florida, the 2020 make-or-brake-or-break or shiv-in-the-ribs state for Dems and GOPers.

“This [2018] election was mostly a massive repudiation of Donald Trump, but something went extraordinarily wrong in Florida,” Simon Rosenberg, described as New Democrat Network founder and Latino politics strategist, writes in Politico Magazine. “Democrats should have done much better with Hispanics there, and instead we did much worse. We need to have a big conversation about why.”

By all means, let’s all have that a wow of a pow on what Hispanics and Dems in general want and when they want it.

Think we’ll come to agree Democrats don’t really want a nation without borders. Just one without Trump.

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