- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 17, 2019

Republicans had two years of total control of Congress in which to pass provisions to tighten the border, in line with President Donald Trump’s agenda and campaign promises.

They didn’t. They failed. They punted and pretended they didn’t have the power or platform to push a border wall or even fence through the Senate. So why bother? — they in essence said.


They’re finally coming together on this shutdown and standing strong.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, for the second time, blocked legislation to reopen the government and partially fund key departments.

“The solution to this is a negotiation between the one person in the country who can sign something into law, the president of the United States, and our Democratic colleagues,” McConnell said, The Hill reported.

Yay, Mitch.

The conservative voting base thanks you.

The Trump supporters who continue to stand by this White House thank you.

It seems as if Republicans have been energized in recent weeks — or maybe had their eyes opened — over the steadfast stand Trump supporters have made against elitism, establishment-minded RINOs, media-driven attacks and deceptive progressive arguments.

It seems as if Republicans are finally getting it through their heads that border security — also known as a wall, a fence, a tighter check-in process — is serious business to the voter, and that voters are going to stand by this president no matter what the press reports, no matter the polls, no matter the whiney spins of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Perhaps it’s the growing caravans coming to America. Perhaps it’s the dead police.

Whatever the cause, the fact is: Republicans are finally getting it right.

Conservatives didn’t vote Republicans to Capitol Hill to make concessions and cower in the corner and wheel and deal with Democrats.

Conservatives voted Republicans to office to fight, fight, fight for the conservative causes — even when the fights seem futile.

Especially, perhaps, when the fights seem futile.

Voters know how to count. Voters don’t need to be told how many more seats in the Senate are needed to pass this, or move forward that. What voters need is to know their elected leaders are going to honor the campaign promises they made, no matter the price to their personal political careers.

If Republicans hadn’t spent so much time the last couple of years fighting Trump, we’d have a border wall right now. If they hadn’t turned on their own and done the work of Democrats to slam this president, we’d have a tighter security system in place. But they did.

For two years, elitists in the Republican Party pretended Trump was the enemy, not the progressive influences and influencers. They made the fight for border control tougher than it had to be because they dilly-dallied to the point the House fell to Dems.

That’s the past; can’t change that. Moving on.

And at least we’re moving in the right direction.

“Here in the Senate,” McConnell said in remarks on the Senate floor, “my Democratic colleagues have an important choice to make. They could stand with common sense border experts, with federal workers and with their own past voting records, by the way, or they could continue to remain passive spectators complaining from the sidelines, as the Speaker refuses to negotiate with the White House.”

At least the Republicans are finally getting in the fight — finally getting it right.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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