- The Washington Times - Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Democrats aren’t as stupid and short-sighted as they appear.

Oh, it’s true, on the surface, with all their clamorings to let in the illegals, with all their simultaneous legislative pressings to strip guns from the hands of law-abiding Americans — on the surface, it might very well appear that Democrats just don’t have a clue.

It might very well appear to even the most casual of observers that Democrats have absolutely no idea how to provide for the rank-and-file of America, how to uphold the Constitution, how to stand by the capitalistic, free-market system, how to safeguard and secure the citizens from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

But the fact is: They do.

They just choose not to.

And they choose not to because creating chaos is good for Democratic business.

For the far left — and far leftism is what the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy has devolved into — the idea of government is not so much to secure rights that are inherent to the individual as it is to serve as a mechanism to advance a vision of collectivism.

Government, in the minds of the Democrats, is not there so much to serve the needs of the people. Government is there to serve a greater good and bring about change and reform and to implement new ideas and programs.

It’s not so much “making America great again” as it is “hope and change.” And why?

Spouting the need for change gives those on the left the appearance of fighting for something. Fighting for something gives them a reason to campaign and fundraise. Campaigning and fundraising give them a platform and ability to impress, on a near-constant basis, of the need for change. And all that hyper-messaging results in an image of America as discriminatory toward women, biased against blacks and minorities, tilted in favor of Big Business and against Mom and Pop American, unfair and unjust against those of lesser financial means, hateful toward outsiders, and so on and so forth — which, in turn, feeds the cycle and gives them more reasons to spout the need for change.

Calling for hope and change is the magic wand Democrats wave to drum up outrage and put in place their progressive principles.

It’s how we have a radicalized feminist movement that spins the tale of women constantly being degraded in the workforce — even though women have just as much free-market right to start any business they want, same as men.

It’s how we have a liberal-leaning public education system that demands reforms to testing because math and English discriminate against minorities — and how we have liberal-leaners overhauling the nation’s law enforcement and judicial systems based on the same nebulous conclusions.

It’s how we have a Democratic-controlled House right now that can’t find time or cause to secure the borders, but can, on the other hand, press all kinds and manner of gun control — because, what, keeping open borders to who-knows-whom while rendering U.S. citizens defenseless makes for safe, sound and family-friendly policy?

In a word, yes. To Democrats, it does. 

The more Democrats can create the illusion of an America that needs dire change, the more Democrats can come charging in atop the white horse to save Americans from the dire times — from the so-called dire time they themselves created.

Fabricated, strategic chaos: It’s how those of the left seize and keep control. It’s incumbent on those with cooler heads to calm the storm and set the records straight.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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