- The Washington Times - Monday, January 14, 2019

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, hereafter known as the Gift That Keeps On Giving, has given yet another gift to the Republican Party — a tweet bragging about the bills she’s introduced using her best rap-happy twang.

It’s like former President Barack Obama’s farewell to the government drop mic moment, times 10 eye rolls.

First, the backstory, from BizPacReview: Mike Murphy, a technology editor at Quartz, wrote on Twitter that “it’s gonna be awesome when @AOC turns twitter vitriol into legislation.”

Ocasio-Cortez responded with this: “This week I cosponsored bills in support of DC statehood (HR51), repeal of PAYGO, comprehensive voting reform (HR1), and a bunch of other things, so it’s already begun. I’m dropping my first original resolution soon it’s like a mixtape, but with way more nerdy producers.”

Let the mocking begin.

“Oh, ur so gangster, what ya gonna drop next,” wrote one social media commenter, as noted by BizPacReview.

Another: “Mentally, you stalled out at about twelve years old. If you’re looking at your job as a ’mixtape,’ you need to get the hell out of office immediately and let an intelligent adult take over.”

And another: “’A bunch of other things’ — can’t wait. Maybe you should do what freshmen congressmen/women are supposed to do — keep your mouth closed and eyes and ears open for your first few months at least? I don’t think the AMERICAN people are ready for a congressional mixtape, ever.”

And one more: “You dont ’drop legislation like it is a mixtap’ just ridiculous but this is where society is. Let the asteroid come asap.”

There’s some truth in them there words.

Congressional office is supposed to be a humble and sober chance to serve the American citizenry in a manner that upholds the Constitution.

Ocasio-Cortez’s socialist policies already violate that premise. But after reading her down-with-the-street-peeps’ boasts about bills, it just adds to the conclusion: She doesn’t belong in Congress. She should take her socialist mixtape and go.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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