- The Washington Times - Thursday, January 10, 2019

Rep. Dan Crenshaw has decided to lead by example and forgo paychecks until the partial government shutdown over border security ends.

The Texas Republican and Navy SEAL veteran said Thursday that it was a matter of integrity to refuse a salary until federal workers are back on the job.

“I cannot in good conscience get paid while federal employees’ financial futures hang in the balance because of this partial government shutdown,” he tweeted. “I’ve asked the Chief Administrative Officer to withhold my pay until we have come to an agreement to adequately fund border security.”

The official request was worded as follows:

“I am writing to request that my pay be withheld during this partial government shutdown until an appropriations agreement has taken effect.

“Our national security is at stake, operating with both weak borders and weakened federal infrastructure. Many of my constituents are fellow public servants affected by the shutdown, and I cannot receive a paycheck while they go without.”

“Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact my office at (202) 225-6565.”

The move impressed readers on social media.

SEE ALSO: Dan Crenshaw: Dems willing to compromise security to deny Trump border wall campaign vow

Some responses include:

  • “You’re a man of superb character Dan; the country is fortunate to have you serving.”
  • “Dan Crenshaw 2024.”
  • “This is servant leadership. *This* is character. Thank you, sir.”
  • “I hope others follow your lead good sir.”

Mr. Crenshaw told “Fox & Friends” last week that it was absurd for Democrats to deny the importance of walls in securing the nation’s border.

“I spent a whole career infiltrating places,” he said Jan. 2. “And you know what? When we come up upon a wall, it matters. We have to plan around it. It’s a mitigating factor if you’re trying to enter or cross from point A to point B.

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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