- Sunday, February 24, 2019

I’m forever trying to find common ground with liberals — something, anything, we can agree on.

How about this as a starting point? Children in kindergarten need a protected space of innocence. We must not offend their tender sensibilities with explanations of sexual activity or force them into discussions about sexual orientation, or ever expose them to pornographic language or images.

Yes, certainly this is something we can agree on.

Except it isn’t.

As I approached two moms I know at a recent conference, I felt slightly embarrassed when one looked up and said, “We’re talking about sex.”


Not waiting for my reaction, Kristan and Karen started describing some pretty graphic stuff. My embarrassment soon became anger as I realized they were talking about sex instruction for children.

I can see some readers rolling their eyes in disbelief — after all, no one wants to expose kindergartners to sexual practices, right?

Surprise! Planned Parenthood and the sex education “experts” they partner with at the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) seek to indoctrinate even the youngest of children into their sordid worldview.

The SIECUS website boldly states its goal for Comprehensive Sex Education: “CSE refers to sex education programs that, in school-based settings, start by kindergarten and continue through 12th grade.”

What do they mean by “comprehensive?” Graphic instruction in vaginal, anal and oral sex; exploration of gender identity; sexual role playing; and how to keep your parents out of your decisions.

The lessons taking place in many grade and middle schools are so graphic that examples cannot be quoted in this newspaper. You would not repeat them in mixed company. Yet they are forced on boys and girls held captive in classrooms across America.

But don’t take my word for it. Just go to YouTube and search “Planned Parenthood Sex Education” to see for yourself. Then Google SIECUS. Then imagine these same people deciding what is “age appropriate” for kindergartners, because they already are.

In her work with Students for Life (studentsforlife.org), Kristan Hawkins is exposing the connection between the “sexual liberation” and autonomy from parents that Planned Parenthood and their cohorts preach, and the sex industry and abortion business that makes them millions of dollars every year.

Planned Parenthood is a master at promoting sex among children at very young ages, creating an endless stream of problems resulting from a promiscuous lifestyle. The earlier you desensitize children to sexual activity of all kinds, the younger they will experiment; the younger they experiment, the higher the chances that they will one day secretly enter the doors of Planned Parenthood to purchase their “goods” and “services.” Cha-ching!

Students for Life is fighting efforts by Planned Parenthood to infiltrate kindergarten classrooms in Colorado and Washington state. Tragically, several other states, such as California, already have offered up the minds and bodies of their 5-year-olds to the purveyors of sex.

The fact is, Planned Parenthood is an organization of adults preying on children.

Don’t believe for one second that Planned Parenthood exists because children are “going to have sex anyway” or that girls naturally need access to abortion. It’s quite the opposite: Preteens engage in sex in record numbers and girls seek abortions because Planned Parenthood and their liberal allies are experts at encouraging them to do so.

Consider this revelation from Planned Parenthood supporters at the Reproductive Health Investors Alliance: “[We] focus on our ability to increase the supply of and demand for high-quality contraceptive and abortion services.”

Now stop and think about what that declaration fully means.

Karen England is an expert on how Planned Parenthood infiltrates schools in order to mold children into sexually active victims of “progressive” ideology. She’s on the front lines in Nevada (nevadafamilyalliance.org) and in California at the Capitol Resource Institute (capitolreource.org) and helps citizens across America understand the threat to our children, our families and our nation.

“Planned Parenthood’s goal is to remake society by redefining gender, the family, marriage, and morality,” she says. “They seek to create an American culture in their own image, destroy parental authority, and profit off of the inevitable results.”

In fact, the SIECUS website boldly declares: “Sex ed is a vehicle for social change.” How do you quickly bring about social change? Through public education.

It was Adolf Hitler who said: “He alone, who owns the youth, controls the future.”

In Planned Parenthood’s world, that control starts with teaching sex in kindergarten — or earlier.

Rebecca Hagelin can be reached at rebecca@rebeccahagelin.com.

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