- The Washington Times - Friday, February 22, 2019

Joe diGenova, a former prosecutor who’s taken his well-spoken, blunt-talking mannerisms far on the media circuit — serving as a frequent television and radio guest who can cut through the clutter and give the layperson’s view with insight, expertise and boldness — had some interesting words of wisdom for patriotic Americans watching with alarm what he called the growing “civil war” that’s coming to the country. What were they?

Buy guns.

More guns.

And honestly, DiGenova’s got a point.

The left, unwittingly as it may be, does do a marvelous job of promoting the need for the Second Amendment.

Barack Obama, for instance, with all his anti-Second Amendment rhetoric, turned out to be the gun manufacturers’ bestest buddy.

“Obama is the best gun salesman in America,” CNN blasted in a headline, from January 2016.

“The Gun Industry Says It Has Grown 158% Since Obama Took Office,” Forbes wrote in another headline from April 2016.

Conversely, post-President Donald Trump, post-Republican domination on Capitol Hill, there’s this, from Fortune in April 2017: “Gun Sales Have Dropped Since Trump’s Election.”

Then this, from Newsweek in March of 2017: “Gun Sales Down After Obama Boom Years.”

Well, that was then.

The backdrop of America now is this:

The Democratic Party’s leadership has called for resistance. The Democratic Party’s members have pressed for protests against Republicans in the streets, at their homes, where they live, where they eat. The Democratic Party has by and either silently or self-righteously defended violence in the face of a MAGA hat; fireball protests in the face of conservative speakers on college campuses; broken storefront windows and smashed vehicles as a proper First Amendment expression.

These are acts of civil war, are they not?

Here comes diGenova with some words of wisdom.

“We are in a civil war,” he said, to Fox News host Laura Ingraham in a recent interview on her podcast, Mediaite reported.

“There’re two standards of justice, one for Democrats and one for Republicans,” he went on, Mediaite reported. “The press is all Democrat, all liberal, all progressive, all left — they hate Republicans, they hate Trump. So the suggestion that there’s ever going to be civil discourse in this country for the foreseeable future in this country is over. It’s not going to be. It’s going to be total war. And as I say to my friends, I do two things — I vote and I buy guns.”

Good points? Indeed.

It’s not just that Democrats in control of the House have already rushed to bring legislation restricting firearms’ purchases.

It’s also the left’s rhetoric. It’s also the left’s seeming embrace of the unthinkable, the thuggery, the violent, the criminal.

Call it what you want — citizen protests, civil war or something in between.

But Democrats, without a doubt, have been on a full courts press to prove that Donald Trump was not duly elected, that he stole the presidency, that he ought to be impeached from office, that he was never bona fide and that Hillary Clinton should be the face of the White House right now.

Democrats have been behaving as if the votes of the country don’t matter. And when that happens, what’s left to ensure civility lasts?

As diGenova noted: Guns. The Second Amendment.

And what’s more, guns can guarantee citizen rights without ever having to be fired.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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