- Tuesday, February 19, 2019

In her fervid hatred of Donald Trump, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has recklessly placed an Islamic-terrorist sympathizer and supporter in a crucial role on the U.S. House Foreign Relations Committee. Rep. Ilhan Omar, Minnesota Democrat, has complete access to classified and sensitive information about our military, Americans in critical government roles and U.S. goals.

Mrs. Pelosi and her sick agenda make our national security hostage to Ms. Omar’s probable hijacking of (and passing onto our enemies) information capable of bringing devastation and carnage to our population and military personnel throughout the globe. This should be stopped now by demand and appropriate action, not request, of having Ms. Omar removed from this committee and all future committees forthwith. Mrs. Pelosi herself should be charged and arrested as abetting treason against the United States of America.

The phony, shrill cries of anti-Muslim motives would be laughable. Mrs. Pelosi has placed a surrogate of Louis Farrakhan in a prime position to destroy Americans and American interests from within the hallowed sanctity of our own government. She is a vile and morally bankrupt, dangerous operative.


Prescott Valley, Ariz.

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