- The Washington Times - Friday, February 1, 2019

A doctoral student from California who previously alleged Yale University and the University of Southern California were guilty of Title IX discriminations against men has now filed a similar complaint against Harvard, claiming “campus gender politics” at the Ivy school have created a “hostile environment” for males.

This is called turning the tables on the liberals.

For far too long, the left has successfully cried foul about biases, many of which were imagined, against the likes of women, gays, transgenders and all the other special interest groups the Democrats typically scoop into their voting camps. For far too long, the left has been able to scream about tolerance and diversity — while driving intolerance and divisiveness against the groups they’ve deemed the undesirables, i.e., white men, Christians, conservatives.

Kursat Christoff Pekgoz, a Ph.D. student and former USC assistant lecturer, has apparently had enough and has been busily fighting back — first against one college campus, then another and now, finally, against Harvard. His argument?

Men aren’t the enemy.

Let’s stop treating them as such.

And in these male-bashing times — think, Gillette’s recent stereotypical hit ad on men — these are certainly worthwhile points to bring to the forefront.

“Male students/ professors who deviate from the orthodoxy of campus gender politics often face mobbing or termination,” he wrote in his Title IX complaint against Harvard, Campus Reform reported.

Specifically, Pekgoz is accusing Harvard of being a “sponsor and accomplice” of the American Psychological Association and its recent guidelines which, as previously reported, have deemed “traditional masculinity” as “on the whole, harmful.”


But Pekgoz said Harvard has taken those APA standards and used them to run roughshod over gender-equality standards, by creating different expectations for men and women and by adopting “biased” training guides that simply use “sex stereotypes” as their premise.

So he’s using ye olde Title IX to fight the injustice.

His goal with the complaint?

He wants Harvard to either stop doing business with the APA and quit “offering significance assistance” to the organization — to quit allowing them campus meeting spaces, for instance — or the APA, as a condition of keeping its cushy Harvard presence, to revise its male-bashing research and findings.

What’s more, he’s fighting this all for free.

“In a statement to Campus Reform, Pekogz clarified that he is not requesting damages and that all of his advocacy work is pro bono,” Campus Reform wrote.

Well, well and once again, well.

This whole “toxic masculinity” argument from the left is an idea whose time to die has come.

Equality is genderless; it runs both ways.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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