- The Washington Times - Friday, December 6, 2019

The ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee Friday called for witness testimony from Rep. Adam Schiff, Hunter Biden, the whistleblower and others in the impeachment inquiry.

Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia has increased calls for a “minority day of hearings,” which would allow Republicans to call their own witnesses to testify.

On Friday in a letter to committee chairman Rep. Jerrod Nadler, Mr. Collins detailed which witnesses he would call. He urged Mr. Nadler, New York Democrat, to immediately subpoena the witnesses with the exception of Mr. Schiff, California Democrat.

To provide context and transparency about the underlying facts at issue in this “impeachment inquiry,” the American people deserve to hear from the following witnesses in the Judiciary Committee, Mr. Collins wrote.

Mr. Collins’ witness list would include Mr. Schiff, the House Intelligence Committee chairman, who is leading the impeachment inquiry; the anonymous whistleblower whose complaint about President Trump’s call with the Ukraine president sparked the inquiry; and Hunter Biden, whose ties to a Ukraine gas company are at the center of Mr. Trump’s dealings with that country.

Republicans also want to hear from Devon Archer, a former board member of the gas company that employed Hunter Biden; Alexandria Chalupa, a former Democratic National Committee staffer who worked in the Ukraine Embassy in American and provided anti-Trump dirt to Hillary Clinton’s campaign; and the intelligence community employee who spoke to Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman about Mr. Trump’s call with the Ukraine president.

In his letter, Mr. Collins said testimony from the witnesses was necessary to “ensure at least a modicum of fairness and due process is afforded to the president, and more importantly, the American electorate.”

• Jeff Mordock can be reached at jmordock@washingtontimes.com.

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