- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 5, 2019

“Medicare for All.” The disappearance of private health insurance. A Planned Parenthood pink scarf at her inauguration. An end to the Electoral College. These are just some of the promises Sen. Elizabeth Warren is bringing to the presidential table, vowing to put into effect should she make it to the high seat in the White House.

Merry Christmas, all.

Warren is making out her list, checking it twice, and much as in the vein of any good progressive-slash-raging-socialist on a power trip, scrutinizing it hard for the friends she will redistribute to, versus the enemies she will take from — the Democrats’ version of playing modern-day Santa Claus.

But with Warren, it’s not just her socialist demonizing of all-things-free-market that’s headline grabbing. On that, she’s really no different from any of her other Democratic Party presidential wanna-be’s.

Warren stands apart because of her daffiness — because of her breath-taking daffy desire to cater to lowest denominator of the far-left.

“Elizabeth Warren says she’ll wear Planned Parenthood scarf to her inauguration,” Fox News wrote in one wild ride of a headline.

Who does that?

Who plans to take what’s perhaps the most somber occasion in the world — the formal step into the shoes worn while holding the most powerful political position on the planet — and turn it into a cartoonish, at best, ghoulish, at worst, promotional display for, at root, the baby-killers of the voting bases?

Only a loon. Only a daffy loon.

And then there was this, from The Daily Wire: “Elizabeth Warren Says She’ll Abolish The Electoral College Before Her Second Term.”

Her second term? God forbid. It’s implied, of course, America survives a first Warren term. 

“[My] goal,” she said, at a campaign stop in Waterloo, Iowa, “is to get elected and then be the last American president to be elected by the Electoral College.”

In other words: All you less populated states out there can just get bent. As any high school civics teacher worth his or her weight in gold could tell, the reason for the Electoral College is to prevent fraud and to make sure politicians aren’t simply catering to the populations in the larger cities — populations, by the way, who typically vote Democrat.

That Warren has absolutely no regard for the Constitution or Founding Father genius — or America’s heartland constituency — is no surprise. She is, after all, a member of the “thee but not me” elitist class. But that she’d suggest the abolition of the Electoral College as one of her top presidential priorities, higher on the list, say, than North Korea, or homeland security, or education or immigration, is a bit of a surprise — in an illuminating kind of way, that is, because it shows how her ignorance fuels an illogical pettiness.

Again: Who does this?

Who imagines a win by Electoral College vote — followed by the destruction of the very source of the win?

That’s called biting the hand that feeds. Right?

But then again, maybe such biting, for Warren, is not so surprising at all.

“How Elizabeth Warren Raised Big Money Before She Denounced Big Money,” one recent headline from The New York Times stated, above a story about the good Massachusetts senator’s stockpiling of millions of dollars from the wealthy she wooed over the years.


Add it to the loon list of Warren’s Special Christmas Wishes: Obliterate Wall Street and Big Business. Warren has made hers; now it’s time for capitalism to go.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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