- Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Could the Democrats win the presidency in 2020 if they had Harry S. Truman or someone like him on their ticket? The question inspires thought.

President Truman had humble, farm-bred beginnings and was an extremely pragmatic individual. He struggled to get into military service during World War I because of his poor vision but became a hero as an artillery officer. Until his accession, he was not privy to the Manhattan Project, yet he managed to use the A-bomb to conclude World War II. He served the nation extraordinarily well during tumultuous years, yet he retired quietly to live with his wife in Independence, Missouri, spurning the accumulation of wealth from public service.

Truman was acutely familiar with the critical role of American manufacturing during World War II and was elected by average working Americans. So he wouldn’t have any part in facilitating today’s government trade policy, the function of which is to sideline the American workforce and domestic manufacturing by surrendering technology and granting unfair, unreciprocated trade deals with undemocratic countries while producing catastrophic national deficits. He would not tolerate the promotion of mass illegal immigration to further lower wage and employment opportunities.

Further, Truman would be much more concerned with the threat of Japan and China, and the role of our own multinational billionaires in the deterioration of internal politics and economy than he would be with Russia and Ukraine. He would be attuned to Brexit and would make note of Berlin, Germany’s refusal to have former President Reagan’s statue in their city.

A candidate with Truman’s character and inclination would eclipse President Trump’s platform and win hands-down in 2020 — with Mr. Trump’s respectful concession and full support.


Orchard Park, N.Y.

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