- The Washington Times - Friday, December 27, 2019

Democrats, fast on the heels of new impeachment articles against President Donald Trump, have seemed to have settled on their election and reelection strategy for 2020 — impeach ’til the cows come home.

It’s one click past witch hunt and one small, very small step before “get the somofableep!”

Republicans, ever the party of the genteel, have a different phrase for it; they call it “overplaying one’s hand.”

And certainly, Democrats, digging as they are for more articles of impeachment, even as they hold tight to the existing articles of impeachment, even as they send dictates over to the Senate to command-control on how to deal with these existing articles of impeachment — Democrats, certainly, are presenting a bit guilty on the old “overplaying one’s hand” accusation.

Democratic members on the House Judiciary Committee, sad because Speaker Nancy Pelosi gets to hold the articles and they don’t have any left, have gone back to court to petition for information from former White House Counsel Don McGahn and on grand jury testimony tied to Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation — the one that pretty much cleared Trump of any impeachable offense. If the court grants their request for information, “new articles of impeachment” could soon be on the horizon against Trump, according to the Democrats’ Judiciary attorneys.

Oh boy.

Christmas has come to Congress.

Impeachment, for Democrats, is the gift that keeps on giving.

America hasn’t been treated to such “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” real-life theatrics since then-President Bill Clinton tried to rationalize lying.

“There’s nothing going on between us,” he told a grand jury, of his relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky.

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ’is’ is,” he later explained.

That’s right; the old college try.

And now we have Democrats as a party ratcheting up the game.

“Democrats are treating impeachment as an open bar tab,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham, in a tweet. “Time to cut them off, take their car keys away (put GOP in control of the House), and end this insanity.”


But when has Congress ever been this entertaining to watch? When have Democrats ever shown such proclivity to humor?

All we need now is Michael Avenatti and a couple of buxom bimbos, and as Ed Sullivan would say: Time to settle in for a “really big shew.”

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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