- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 19, 2019

Speaker Nancy Pelosi took the unprecedented action of holding the articles of impeachment she and her Democratic cohorts fabricated in the House, until — get this — the Senate agreed to what she termed as a “fair trial.”

Pelosi has gone rogue.

Drunk with power, deluded by Democrats’ wishful thinking on impeachment, Pelosi has actually put the Senate on notice — tried to set the Senate on notice — and said: “The question is now whether Senator [Mitch] MicConnell will allow a fair trial.”

She also said this: “We can’t name managers until we see what the process is on the Senate side, and I would hope that would be soon. So far, we haven’t seen anything that looks fair to us.”

Who is she to suggest McConnell accounts to her? Or that the Senate, as a body, is the House’s second-class servant?

It’s bad enough the American people had to suffer through weeks of witness testimony that seemed poof, pulled from thin air — that was simply buoyed by hearsay that was blasted into the media and then repeated by the next imposter witness as fact.

It’s bad enough the American people were shouted into pretending that impeachment of this president was a result of an impeachable offense, and not, as facts and media coverage show, the hope and dream of a hotly partisan set of leftists who voiced their impeachment hopes and dreams before Donald Trump even took the oath of White House office.

It’s bad enough the Democrats, in voting for the articles of impeachment, pulled out every patriotic stop they could think of, going so far as to quote Founding Fathers and speak of the “republic” of America, and even, at one particularly laughable Pelosi-led point, reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, “to the republic for which it stands.” As if. As if Pelosi knew a republic from a hole in the wall.

As if Democrats cared one whit about founders and their true limited government visions for America.

But now — now, after all that, after years of the left’s incessant impeachment crying, now Pelosi wants to pull another rabbit out of her hat and try for a control of the Republican-dominated Senate?

She’s gone rogue; she’s gone off the reservation. Sanity has left the room.

Hatred of this president has officially stolen the Democrats’ minds.

The left, on impeachment, with a committed class of Republicans in the Senate who are steadfast against removing this president, has reached the end of the road. They know it. They’re desperate. So here comes Pelosi with her next move — an outrageous eleventh hour play to take control of an entire Senate.

She needs to stay in her lane. The Senate does not bow to the House.

And fact is, an above board process doesn’t require all this stalling for strategic thinking; at this point, the next step should be pretty clear cut. Send the articles over. That Pelosi’s holding this up, to hold court, only shows the sham of the impeachment hearings — only reveals the utter weakness and political partisanship of the Democrats’ entire impeachment quest.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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