- The Washington Times - Thursday, December 19, 2019

President Trump has not been alone in his determination to hold down the fort at the White House and keep America great, to use his own phrase. Mr. Trump’s family have been a consistent and unflappable presence throughout the impeachment war, which has not been easy.

“Impeachment to me is a dirty word, it’s been very unfair, very hard on my family.” Mr. Trump noted during a rally last month in Louisiana.

But the Trump family appears to stay calm, carry on, and focus on mission and message despite endless hostile news coverage of the president and his administration.

First lady Melania Trump, of course, has continued to work almost nonstop on issues of vital interest to families and children, She visits wounded warriors, combat troops, schools and royalty alike — hailed for her gracious presence on a global stage by millions of appreciative Trump fans who often refer to her as “our beautiful first lady.”

Mr. Trump’s children also have been a steady presence at the White House and on the campaign trail. Senior White House advisor Ivanka Trump and husband Jared Kushner in particular have successfully launched diplomatic outreaches with productive results and helpful public messages. Ms. Trump — a mother of three — was recently instrumental in ensuring that paid family leave for federal employees made it through the U.S. Senate. She is also promoting women’s economic empowerment in the Middle East and elsewhere.

“It was an honor to visit Al-Udeid Air Base, the largest U.S. military installation in the Middle East, to thank the brave men and women who keep America safe. Aim High, Fly-Fight-Win! God bless you and Merry Christmas!” Ms. Trump tweeted after her recent visit to the base.

There has been very sparse media coverage of such positive activities. No surprise. Meanwhile, all of the family members have been united in support of Mr. Trump and tireless in their efforts. All of them are motivated by the same patriotic sentiments which move the president according to one close observer.

“This family, this entire Trump family — when you look at the president, the first lady, Jared, Ivanka, Eric, Lara and Don — they are so focused. And they love this country so much. All of them have been working on behalf of this country,” White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham tells Fox News.

“And they get raked over the coals every single day. Yet they, as the president, they stay focused and they continue to work. But it can’t be easy for them. Again, they’re working so hard. They didn’t ask for this. They were a wildly successful family before this started. And yet they continue to do this because they love this country,” Ms. Grisham observes.


So what are the future implications of the Democratic Party’s impeachment process? Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy has a thought about President Trump, and the U.S. presidents of the future.

“I don’t think the president, for long, is going to be one of the handful of presidents who is impeached. Because, if this is the new standard, every president from here on out is impeachable,” Mr. McCarthy tells Fox News.

“From here on out, most presidents will now get impeached when the opposite party holds the House. This is a new political game that will play out for decades to come,” predicts Reince Priebus, who formerly served as Mr. Trump’s White House chief of staff, and as chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Some still point to the existence of a “deep state” or shadow government that has been in place since Mr. Trump won the 2016 election.

“There has been nothing in American history that compares to the coup attack that targeted President Trump. It was an abuse of the Constitution. Frankly, the word impeachment should have been replaced with the word ’coup,’” says Tom FItton, president of Judicial Watch, a watchdog organization which has long monitored shenanigans at lofty levels.


Bubbly with an agenda? COUP Champagne, a San Francisco-based craft champagne brand, now offers a new COUP d’Etat Collection meant to “make a statement.”

The company will donate a portion of the proceeds to the American Civil Liberties Union. Naturally, President Trump also figures in the picture.

“I created this product in response to my increasing frustration with the president’s sanctuary city, DACA, and border policies. We need the full firepower of the ACLU now more than ever. This product is not only aimed at venting my frustration in a provocative way, but also supporting the only organization that can speak up for us,” says Ryan Tu, founder of the company.

“Napoleon both created champagne sabering and came to power by coup d’etat. I find it ironic that in our modern day coup to end the president’s term in office, whether through impeachment or general election, we can celebrate by sabering a bottle of champagne,” he says.

Prices for the new champagne start at $100 a bottle. Curious? Find it at CoupChampagne.com.


For sale: Lord Broomholm’s “Summer Residence,” built in 1702 on one heavily landscaped acre in Ambler, Pennsylvania. Five bedrooms, 6 baths, 10-12 -foot ceilings, 13-foot walk-in fireplace, original wooden built-ins, flooring, mill work and trim; 5,345 square feet. Formal dining, living and family rooms; chef’s kitchen, in-ground pool, greenhouse, 3-bedroom guest house, barn, garage, “restored to original grandeur.” Priced at $995,000 through Vintagehomespa.com; find this home here.


20% of U.S. adults think President Trump he is “very conservative”; 17% of Republicans, 13% of independents and 32% of Democrats agree.

29% overall think Mr. Trump is “conservative”; 49% of Republicans, 24% of independents and 18% of Democrats agree.

16% overall say Mr. Trump is “moderate”; 22% of Republicans, 17% of independents and 10% of Democrats agree.

3% overall say he is “liberal”; 1% of Republicans, 4% of independents and 3% of Democrats agree.

3% overall say he is “very liberal”; 1% of Republicans, 2% of independents and 4% of Democrats agree.

29% overall are not sure of the president’s ideology; 9% of Republicans, 40% of independents and 32% of Democrats agree.

Source: AN ECONOMIST/YOUGOV poll of 1,500 U.S. ADULTS conducted Dec. 7-10 AND RELEASED MONDAY.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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