- Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Every time the photo-friendly Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opens her mouth, she proves the wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, who quipped,”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak out and remove all doubt.”

AOC’s latest flub, bragging about keeping Amazon out of New York, is just another in a long parade of gaffes. Amazon leased part of a building within New York and will create 1,500 jobs. According to the New York Department of Labor, in 2018 the average earnings for workers was $63,270. The average for a member of the Amazon labor force there probably are around $75,000 to $80,000. Those are low-ball numbers. Amazon’s headquarters in Queens would have created 25,000 jobs and generated more than a billion dollars a year. Even those in Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s former occupation of bartender would have benefited.

One wonders about Miss Ocasio-Cortez’s competency beyond photogenic political performance. Let’s not forget her total ignorance of history, as illustrated by her assertion that in 1947 a Republican Congress passed the 22nd Amendment to prevent Franklin D. Roosevelt from running for another term (FDR died in 1945), or her confusion about the difference between profit and revenue, which came to light during her questioning of the CEO of a pharmaceutical concern.


San Francisco

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