- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Roughly 140 of the world’s most famous musicians joined Hollywood’s most liberal in signing on to the Planned Parenthood-pressed “Bans Off My Body” and “Band Together, Bans Off” campaign.

Yay for abortion. It has a way of bringing the leftists out of their cobwebby corners and getting them to reveal their most despicable politics.

“This outpouring of support from artists is further evidence that the American people do not support restricting access to safe, legal abortion,” Planned Parenthood said in a statement reported by Life News.

Well, not really.

Characterizing privileged, pampered bubble-dwellers as representative of the “American people” is akin to saying the now-deceased Sen. John McCain was representative of the conservative voice. It’s just laughably untrue.

Besides, polls show Americans do indeed support curbs on abortion.

In May, Gallup found that only 25% of Americans believed abortions should be “legal under any circumstances,” compared to 53% who believed they should be “legal only under certain circumstances” and 21% who believed they should be “illegal in all circumstances.”

That 25% must be hailing from Hollywood. And from the batch of candidates running for the Democrat Party’s ticket to the White House 2020 who set free and easy access to abortion as a top political policy, second only to climate change.

So who are these people?

Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, Beck, John Legend, Nicki Minaj and Demi Lovato — and others.

They all just signed a Billboard ad condemning the “draconian restrictions on reproductive health and freedom” — their way of protesting state curbs on abortion and the White House administration’s block to Planned Parenthood funding.

But their choice of language — what a hoot. Freedom? Their loss of freedom?

What they’re really decrying is the fact Planned Parenthood announced it was leaving the Title X program — leaving behind all that Title X federal money — because a new rule approved by President Donald Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services requires their clinic workers stop referring women for abortions, except in cases of medical emergencies.

What they’re really decrying is that Planned Parenthood’s abortion-as-birth-control wings have been clipped.

What they’re really decrying is that America is not with them, but rather against them.

“Poll Shows Most Americans Support Abortion Rights, But With Some Limitations,” NPR reported in June.

What they’re really decrying is that their days of deception about abortion, about tax dollars for abortion, about the real impacts of abortion on the mother — all these things are being dragged into the light, until bit by bit, an outraged and horrified America is seeing the industry for what it is; seeing the procedure for what it is.

And evil may not be able to stand long in the brightness of light. But it sure won’t leave without first putting up a kicking, screaming fuss.

That’s what these musicians just signed.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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