- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 27, 2019

President Donald Trump “confounds the world,” gets “derailed by a smooth-talking Emmanuel Macron” and “leans into his chaotic style” at the Group of Seven summit in France — according to the leftists and elitists in the media, that is.

And now to return to a more truthful assessment.

The reality is Trump brought his America First game to a party hosted by globalists. And in the eyes of the Snooty McSnoot-Faces who think they run the world, and who truly believe that they should be running the world, there’s no cardinal sin like a call to sovereignty.

Trump, going in, was destined to tick off.

And on that: Mission accomplished. MAGA hats for everybody.

“’Sorry, it’s the way I negotiate’: Trump confounds the world at wild G-7,” is how Politico put it, in a story that went on to detail how Trump first said this, then said that, then flipped and went back and said this again. If that had been former President Barack Obama, the media would’ve called it diplomatic. But since it’s Trump, the media spins it as confounding.

“It was typical Trump on display on the world stage, refusing to be boxed in by anyone on anything,” Politico wrote.

And what’s wrong with that?

“The president’s meandering statements and conflicting remarks left aides and allies alike guessing at his intended course of action — and his critics reviving questions about his fitness for office,” Politico went on.

Yawn. Elitists in the media reporting on elitists’ reactions to a president who makes no apologies for looking out for America first: That’s so campaign 2016.

“How Trump’s G-7 agenda was derailed by a smooth-talking Emmanuel Macron,” was NBC News’ headline.

But was it? Was it really?

NBC’s premise was that Trump’s goal was to stir tension with France, and on that — because of Macron’s “smooth-talking” tongue — he failed.

“Unlike last year’s meeting,” NBC wrote, “the American president failed to create chaos in France, in large part because of Macron’s intense and adroit diplomatic efforts. … [Trump] failed to blow up the conference as he did after last year’s session in Charlevoix, Canada.”

Nanny. Nanny. Boo. Boo.

That’s at least a little bit funny.

Not to be outdone, CNN weighed in with this criticism: “Trump leans into his chaotic style.”

The story went on to suggest that U.S. voters are wearying of “the cacophony of the Trump era that was on display” “at the G7 summit” — the type of which included “head-spinning policy reversals, lying as a matter of course, perpetual cultural warfare and widening national divides.”

That’s just a drop in the bucket of what’s out there, buzzing around the media, blasting Trump’s behavior at the G-7.

The criticism runs deep.

The criticism runs long.

But the fact is, the critics are largely of the same establishment wing that hates Trump, that’s always hated Trump and that always will hate Trump.

The critics are globalists and elitists and self-interested types who disdain America’s independence and America’s exceptionalism, and who rail against America’s refusal to cower and capitulate and play nice in the foreign affairs’ game by selling out America for the greater good of the world.

These are the type of people Americans fought in the Revolutionary War. These are the type of people who think the United Nations knows best.

So Trump didn’t give enough straight answers at their party? He didn’t do enough butt-kissing to stroke their egos and buoy their images of self-importance?

Too bad. So sad. It’s a great thing for America that Trump doesn’t mind putting them in their place.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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