- The Washington Times - Monday, August 26, 2019

Sen. Cory Booker, who still thinks he has a chance to win the White House, despite pulling a dismal 2.2% in a recent RealClearPolitics poll, just called his nephew “nie-phew” so as to not offend the kid, Avery, who identifies as non-binary.

There’s pro-LGBTQ. There’s radically pro-LGBTQ. Then there’s a whole new level of radically ridiculously pro-LGBTQ. That’s where Booker stands, firmly in that third class.

The level where lines between sanity and insanity blur.

“Nie-phew,” Booker told Maria Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality Action Fund, in a recent interview reported on LifeSiteNews.com, is a “combination of niece and nephew.”

And it’s applied to those who just can’t seem to make up their minds about their sex.

Like young Avery.

An activist in the transgender movement who supposedly helped Booker learn the lingo and mind his LGBTQ manners.

“[They] have helped their uncle be someone who is more aware of specific issues facing trans youth in schools today,” Booker said — apparently in reference to Avery again.

He went on: “I think that this is a moral moment in America and that the next president has to be someone that understands that there’s a restoration of the best of our values. It has to be done from that office by elevating how we are rendering populations in this country invisible. Marginalizing them is just not acceptable to me. So I hope that one day very soon … that Avery, my nie-phew, and other great trans leaders in the youth community have a seat at the White House to talk about issues.”

Could you see this man as president of the United States?

Could you see Booker at a summit, say, with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, or China’s Xi Jinping — insisting on gender-neutral name badges for all the attending officials, or pushing some sort of ridiculous global trans-rights’ treaty that wipes out both biology and common sense with one fell swoop?

What a disaster.

What a laughing stock.

Once again, for the Bookers in the back of the room who obviously haven’t been paying attention: Sex is assigned at birth, by God. Wishful thinking doesn’t change that. Delusional dreaming doesn’t alter that. A boy cannot become a girl, or become a not-a-girl-not-a-boy, simply by announcing to the world, hey, I’m a girl — umm, wait a minute, nope, now I’m not a girl or a boy, either.

Pretending that can happen is a lie.

Helping others pretend that can happen is an abomination.

But then again — this is Booker we’re talking about, the guy polling 2.2% who still thinks he can win the White House. Delusion is in his DNA.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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