- The Washington Times - Friday, August 23, 2019

Most likely voters in America think Sen. Elizabeth Warren, one of the Democrat Party’s leading contenders for the White House, lied about her Native American heritage, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports.

But the rest of the survey says this: “Most also say it’s not a critical issue when it comes to how they will vote,” Rasmussen wrote.

That’s the problem with American voters — with America’s whole political system right now. Voters will claim ’til the cows come home they want a more moral government, free of lies and deceits and deceptions.

But when it comes to putting some real teeth into that talk?

That’s where the breakdown occurs. That’s where political expediency takes front and center. And yes, it’s true, Democrats can make the same case against Republicans and point fingers to all the times conservatives put aside their principles to vote into office, or try to vote into office, someone of seeming weak moral character. Alabama’s Roy Moore comes to mind.

But with Warren, the thing is: Democrats have so, so, so many choices right now. The field of presidential hopefuls is so, so, so large. Why go with Warren if you think she lied about her heritage?

It’s not like she’s the only pick; it’s not like she brings to the Democrat table anything above and beyond what the average Democrat bear is bringing as well.

A Warren is a Sanders is a Biden is a Harris.

In July — right before the Fourth of July, in fact, the time when Americans are supposed to be drawing together to celebrate the grand heritage of this nation as well as its continued excellence — a Gallup poll that “American pride hits new low; few proud of political system.”

The accompanying story went on to detail how “U.S. adults’ extreme pride in being American has been steadily weakening in recent years” with the “latest overall declines in patriotism” “largely driven by Democrats.”

Just a couple weeks later, Pew wrote, in a “Trust and Distrust in America” piece, that “[m]any Americans think declining trust in the government and in each other makes it harder to solve key problems.” In a separate section, this Pew report also reported: “Democrats and those who lean Democratic are more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to express worry about the state of trust in America.”

Then this, just a few days ago — a headline from FiveThirtyEight.com: “Americans Are Sad About Politics. Who Could Blame Them?” 

Here’s a thought. Maybe if Democrats would stop supporting political candidates they believe are liars, they might find cause to feel more trust in government.

Heck, maybe if all voters of all political walks did the same then America’s government would actually be worthy of more trust.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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