- The Washington Times - Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Alyssa Milano, the teen heartthrob from 1980’s-era sitcom hit “Who’s the Boss,” and subsequent shows, has all grown up and become one of women’s world’s A-Number-One cheerleading fan of abortion.

Times change.

And while Milano has come under fire in recent times for her highly charged and factually challenged political hits on President Donald Trump — and rightly so; she’s one of Hollywood’s farthest-left leftists — the fact is, on abortion, America ought to feel a little bit sorry for her. Her recent remarks about her own two abortions only highlight how far a mind and heart can travel, given the right conditions, down a path of utter denial and disregard for human life.

We should all be thankful to be spared that path.

Her first abortion was in her early 20s, she said.

“I chose,” she said, on her recent “Alyssa Milano: Sorry Not Sorry” show. “It was my choice. And it was absolutely the right choice for me.”

So was the second abortion, she said, which came just months after her first abortion.

Both pregnancies occurred while she was on the pill, she said. And the terminations didn’t come without angst, she said.

“It was devastating,” Milano said. “I was raised Catholic and was suddenly put in conflict with my faith. A faith I was coming to realize empowered only men to make every single decision about what was allowed and what was not allowed.”

That’s the radical feminist line of thought, the one that angrily demands, “How come guys can have sex all they want but girls can’t?”

Anyhow, this is the part where Milano should be pitied, just a bit.

She said she would not have the wonderful life she has today if she had chosen to have those two children.

Say what?

She never would’ve married the man she married, never would’ve birthed the kids she actually birthed, never would’ve had the career highs she’s experienced — had she not aborted her first two children.

“I would not have my children, my beautiful, perfect, kind, inquisitive children, who have a mother who was so very, very ready for them,” she said of her son and daughter, born in 2011 and 2014.

“My life would be completely lacking all its great joys,” Milano said. “I would never had been free to be myself — and that’s what this fight is all about: freedom.”

Well here’s the proper response to all that: How do you know?

How can a person truthfully — coldly — look back upon two aborted children and say, today, with full assurance, thank goodness they were aborted or my life would’ve sucked?

Children are blessings. At least, they’re supposed to be. And yes, unwanted, unplanned pregnancies are realities of life — particularly today when far too many men and women, boys and girls, see sex as something of a game, something of a fun time, something to pass the minutes in between dinner and the movie.

But abortion shouldn’t be a go-to birth control. 

And aborted children should never be looked back upon as decisions that have added, in any way, “joys” to one’s life. That’s a path that should always be tinged with regret.

At the very least, show some respect for the dead. And those who can’t — those who don’t — must have something so skewed in their hearts and minds, something so twisted and dark in their past, that they need compassion, not condemnation.

How else to explain a woman who counts her abortions as the bringers of “joys.” Pity.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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