- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Federal authorities have arrested a Maryland man accused of praising Adolf Hitler and President Trump, vowing a “genocide” of Hispanics — and specifically promising to rape and kill one person from Spain.

Eric Lin now faces charges of making threatening communications across state lines.

The threats began in late May — even before a man police say was motivated by anti-Hispanic rage went on a rampage in El Paso, Texas, killing 22 people at a Walmart earlier this month.

Authorities were alerted to the threats by a person identified only by the initials “C.I.,” who told Miami police about Facebook messages. Police informed the FBI, who took over the investigation and compiled the threats, which when printed out on paper totaled more than 150 pages.

C.I. identified Mr. Lin as the likely sender because he was a customer at a restaurant where C.I. worked, and the content of the Facebook threats matched Mr. Lin’s pro-Hitler and mass-shooting ramblings.

Among the messages the FBI found were:

• “This is a RACE WAR and ALL of you will DIE.”

• “I’m going to enslave Rape And use you like a baby making machine. Once I’m finished with you I might just get rid of you like a piece of trash.”

• “You want to see what a real Nazi can do? I guarantee I can kill you when you least expect it I’m coming to kill you[sic].”


• “I Thank God everyday President Donald John Trump is President and that he will launch a Racial War and Crusade to keep the [various racial epithets] ’in Line.’” The message continued: “By In Line’[sic] it is meant they will either be sent to ’Concentration Camps’ or dealt with ruthlessly and Vigorously by the United States Military.”

• “I look forward to committing a ’Genocide.’”

Mr. Lin is being held in Seattle.

• Stephen Dinan can be reached at sdinan@washingtontimes.com.

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