- Thursday, August 1, 2019

Many celebrities are voicing heartbreak over children being separated from parents and family members as they cross into our country illegally, then ask for help at the border. Actress Alyssa Milano was seen crying and begging for someone to do more to help the minors who are placed in facilities while being processed. I believe her heart is in the right place, but does she think decent people bring their children here in this way? Only a sociopath would suddenly jerk their little kids away from grandmothers, cousins, friends, schools, homes, beds and toys just to force the tender young souls across a continent into a foreign country.

After the kids get here, the mothers know the children will be placed in a facility to wait, alone. We may visualize someone like Diane Downs or Susan Smith caring so little for their own children, endangering them to the point of death. People such as those two women, who committed horrendous acts of child abuse, get no tears from any of us. But why do we give a pass to the mothers and fathers who, by bringing their children here illegally, destroy the only trust and security their kids have ever known? The truth is that these kids may even give out on the grueling trip into the United States. In my view, decent parents would never do that to a child.

Plus, remember the border agents, who must deal with those broken homes and families every hour of every day. Cry some tears for them, too, while you’re at it. Alyssa Milano could do some good if she’d help the agents instead of crying on Twitter.


Lake Alfred, Fla.

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