- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Sen. Bernie Sanders is planning to participate in a town hall on Fox News, and for that, his far leftist cronies in the far leftist media are wrinkling noses, sniffing scoffingly and asking in disbelieving tones, why? Why, why, why?

But here’s where the self-described socialist-minded presidential hopeful deserves some credit: He’s got the guts to enter what others in his base perceive as a hostile environment.

He’s got the courage of his convictions — faulty as they are, given their roots in anti-America socialism — to make the case for his convictions, to an audience he most certainly knows think his convictions are bunk.

That’s respectable.

And all the Democrats currently turning up noses at Fox News — the Democratic National Committee, for instance, which has refused to let Fox host any primary debates — could learn a thing or two from Sanders. If you truly believe in what you’re selling, you don’t run and hide. You try and convince others you’re right.

You go beyond the chorus to reach those who aren’t singing the same song.

“For better or for worse, and it is for worse, for whatever reason, you know, Fox has a huge viewing audience,” Sanders said, when asked once again to explain his rationale for appearing on Fox, this time by the Huffington Post’s Washington bureau chief, Amanda Terkel. “And to simply say that we’re not going to talk to millions of people who watch that network — I don’t think is smart.”

No, it’s not smart.

And this isn’t to say Sanders is smarter than the average leftist-leaning bear. He’s not; his socialist principles automatically relegate him to the pile called Historical Ignorance. His socialist principles automatically disqualify him from serving as an American politician who’s sworn to uphold the Constitution — or they should.

But at least Sanders isn’t running from his beliefs. He’s willing to mix it up with those with countering views.

And for that, he deserves a thumbs-up, grudging or not.

If only the other Democrats busily campaigning on notions like equality for all, tolerance for everybody and diversity at all costs could do similarly. As it is, preaching only to those who agree with you isn’t only the opposite of tolerant. It’s downright weak and cowardly. And it does nothing to bring the country together.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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