- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Rush Limbaugh, on “The Story” on Fox News with Martha MacCallum, said it’s not President Donald Trump who has anything to worry about when it comes to the whole Russia investigation thing — it’s Hillary Clinton.

She should be in jail, Limbaugh said.

And a whole world of political watchers go — absolutely. And then, just as quickly, a whole world of political watchers go, sigh. ’Cause it’ll never happen.

Still: For years, a handful of hard-core truth-seekers have been making the case that the collusion accusation slung Trump’s way has really been the Democrats’ way of covering their own tracks — has really been the left’s way of distracting from the fact their own party was guilty of what they were accusing.

“The media is ignoring ties between the Clinton campaign and Russians,” ran one Washington Post headline in February of 2018.

“Russian Collusion Investigation: It Was Hillary Clinton All Along,” blasted another from Investors in November of 2018.

Yet another: “Clinton’s Russia ties are also disturbing,” from The Denver Post, back in November 2017.

And one more: “The case for Russia collusion … against the Democrats,” from this February in The Hill.

It’s out there.

It’s not untoward to suggest that Clinton, with her secretary of state position, her White House inside knowledge, her long-time political career, her long-reaching access and influence, her foundation and many, many friends and allies — and ability to silence enemies — would have some dark dealings with Russia in her past. Really, with this woman’s political past, it’d almost be more remarkable if she didn’t.

As Limbaugh said, how ironic that it’s Trump — the guy who never held a political office, pre-presidency, in his life — who is accused of dirty politicking with Russia.

“This is the irony,” he said on Fox. “Hillary Clinton is who tried to rig a presidential election. … Clinton and her pals in the Obama Department of Justice and their pals in the FBI — they are the ones who colluded with the Russians. They are the ones that gave us this entirely bogus Steele dossier. You want to talk about irony — for Hillary Clinton to be talking about impeaching Donald Trump. Hillary needs to be investigated, she needs to be indicted and she needs to be in jail, and any of her co-conspirators in this whole sordid affair, which amounted to nothing more than a silent coup to overturn the election results of 2016.”

Quite right.

But don’t hold your breath.

Clinton, to put it bluntly, pretty much knows where all the dead bodies are buried.

The chance for her to be thrown in jail is just south of, say, the chance for the Democrats and leftist and progressives and socialists to stop trying to toss Trump from office. In other words: It just ain’t gonna happen.

For the Clintons, justice will have to wait until the next lifetime.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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