- The Washington Times - Tuesday, April 23, 2019

George Conway, husband of White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway, railed against President Trump Tuesday, claiming he violated his oath of office by obstructing special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into election interference.

“A president takes an oath in which he ’solemnly swear[s] [to] support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.’ Here, in attempting to subvert the investigation into Russia’s effort’s to interfere with our electoral process, Trump violated that oath and put his own vanity and self-interest above that of the nation and people whose laws and Constitution he swore to faithfully execute and uphold. If that’s not impeachable, nothing is.” Mr. Conway tweeted.

Mr. Conway continued his Twitter screed, claiming the framers of the Constitution had somebody like Mr. Trump in mind when they outlined impeachment proceedings.

“Do we have a president who is loyal to the country, or loyal only to himself? When you put the question that way, and the object of the question is Donald J. Trump, now that we know all that we know about him and have seen all that we have seen, there can only be one answer,” he tweeted.

“And for the Framers of our Constitution, if you posed to them the question of whether the impeachment clause was directed at public officials who placed their own selfish interests above those of the nation’s, they would have said, yes, that’s exactly what we had in mind,” he added.

“For them, the case of Donald J. Trump would have been an easy one. It should be an easy one for us as well,” he finished.

Mr. Conway and Mr. Trump have had Twitter beef previously despite Ms. Conway’s position within the White House. 

In late-March, Mr. Conway tweeted Mr. Trump’s mental condition and psychological state was “getting worse.

The president would later call him a “stone cold LOSER & husband from hell.”

• Bailey Vogt can be reached at bvogt@washingtontimes.com.

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