- Thursday, April 11, 2019

Congress must stop throwing away taxpayers’ money. Lawmakers have carelessly driven us into $22-plus trillion (and growing) of debt while ignoring Congress’ primary duty to secure the safety of the American people.

While our infrastructure crumbles, we’re sending hundreds of billions of dollars every year to other countries, many of which don’t even like or respect us. We bail out businesses that are failing due to poor management, which is no concern of the American taxpayer. We send tens of billions to institutions of higher learning that grossly overpay their staffs.

As hard as it may sound, we do not owe anything to those who enter our country illegally. We should not be paying for their education, housing, medical care or anything else. This, too, is driving us deeper into debt every day. Billions more go to tax breaks and grants to the special-interests whose lobbyists pay off those who vote in their favor.

Members of Congress often complain of being underpaid. Yet, many of them retire from Congress as millionaires. It seems they manage their own “meager” salaries well while being unable to give us a balanced budget.

No matter how much you may like your particular member of Congress, we should clean house in 2020 and send in new people who actually care about America and its people.


St. Augustine, Fla.

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