- The Washington Times - Friday, September 7, 2018

In three days, Capitol Hill police have arrested more than 200 protesters at the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings.

Democrats, congratulations are in order. Who else but a leftist could turn such a somber, historic and esteemed occasion as a Supreme Court nominee’s hearing into a vaudeville circus act, and in so short a time span, too?

Truly, a bang-up job, all around the circle of the left.

After all, nothing says IQ and eloquence like a shrill female voice screaming something akin to “documents, free the documents” from the back of a staid Senate hearing room, and then smiling in triumph as she’s carted out by police — yes? Even better: Storming Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley’s office to mindlessly chant, “Come out, we’ve got some things to talk about.”


A happy Democrat is a mindless Democrat.

In total, 212 have been arrested — 70 on Tuesday, day one of Kavanaugh’s hearings, another 73 Wednesday, followed by 69 Thursday, The Hill reported. Their charges? They range from disorderly conduct to obstruction to resisting arrest and even simple assault.

Stupidity is not a crime. Good thing. Democrats would really be in trouble then.

Hopefully, the adults can now take charge and move Kavanaugh’s nomination forward. This is, after all, a Supreme Court pick we’re talking about here. Dissension is fine, rooted in America’s First Amendment. But those with little to say should seriously shut up and stay home.

Standing in the back of a hearing room and shouting out incoherencies is hardly a way to engage in civil discourse. It’s simply a means of putting one’s own idiocy on display.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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