- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 6, 2018

Democrats don’t even care about silly notions like truth any more.

Here’s an example, courtesy of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand from New York, speaking on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh: “I think he’s a dangerous nominee. I think he’s dangerous for women.”

Why? Roe v. Wade.

Gillibrand was speaking about speeches she had heard Kavanaugh give over the years — speeches, mind you, not his judicial decisions, but speeches — and that in those speeches he seemed to oppose the free and unfettered right to abortion she thinks women ought to have.

“I heard many speeches and I think those speeches alone — I think [they] are disqualifying because he doesn’t believe in women’s reproductive freedom,” Gillibrand said, Breitbart reported. “He doesn’t believe that reproductive rights are in the Constitution anywhere.”

Since when did killing unborn babies become a “reproductive freedom,” upheld as an individual right in the Constitution? The left and its crazy lingo — always twisting and turning where sane minds wouldn’t even think of going.

If only the left would engage in factual discourse, absent the hysterics and nonsense. It’s one thing to say, “I can’t support Kavanaugh’s nomination because I believe deeply in a woman’s right to choose,” or “I’m not supporting Kavanaugh because abortion is a deal-breaker for me and he’s not as strong a pro-Roe v. Wader as I’d like.”

But with the left, it’s always life and death.

“Sen. [Ben] Sasse said protesters have been screaming for decades that ’women are going to die.’ When you criminalize abortion and limit our reproductive health care, women die,” Gillibrand tweeted. “It’s not ’hysteria.’ We’re in a fight for our lives. Sexist attacks won’t stop us.”

Sigh. And she’s a sitting senator. No wonder Kavanaugh’s hearings have become a circus act.

“Protesters urged to disrupt Brett Kavanaugh hearings,” ran one USA Today headline.

And disrupt they have.

On Tuesday alone, Capitol police arrested 70 for disrupting the Senate hearings. On Wednesday, it was more of the same. And likely, the theatrics aren’t going to stop until the hearings are ended. These are coordinated efforts, arranged and scheduled protests.

“Once we knew the hearings were going to happen,” said Jennifer Epps-Addison, the president and co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy Action, in USA Today, “we started putting out a call through our networks, and regular folks who know the impact this will have on their lives started raising their hands and saying, ’I’m coming.’ We’ve had people carpooling and caravanning to get here.”

Meanwhile, back on the Democratic Party farm, senators like Kamala Harris, Cory Booker and Richard Blumenthal have been handling the disruptions from within, taking every opportunity presented — more to truth, creating opportunities, via blatant rude interruptions — to upset the process, demand documents, demand halts to the proceedings, demand more time to review documents, and so forth and so on. Their interruptions aren’t about learning of Kavanaugh’s judicial qualifications; they’re simply about interrupting.

“Mr. Chairman, I move to adjourn,” was a favorite line of Blumenthal’s.

“We have not been given an opportunity to have a fair hearing,” was a Harris repeat, in its various derivatives.

The quest for truth — the search for a proper Supreme Court candidate, one who will correctly interpret the Constitution no matter how the political winds might blow?

That’s not even a blip on the left’s radar.

These hearings, to Democrats, to liberal senators and the progressive minions they’re silently cheering from their Senate committee seats, are about one thing and one thing only: creating discord to punch holes in this White House’s agenda as a means of raising money for upcoming elections. The whole Democratic Party is nothing but a sham, a front for selfish, power-seeking pols and activists who want to feed off their angry base to climb to even higher positions of selfish power. 

Kavanaugh is simply the left’s latest tool toward this end.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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