- The Washington Times - Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Lanny Davis, the man who tried to salvage Bill Clinton’s reputation during the Monica Lewinsky scandal apparently did the same thing to Rose McGowan on behalf of accused rapist Harvey Weinstein. 

Lost in the drama between NBC News executives and journalist Ronan Farrow’s very public feud over the peacock network’s mishandling of the Pulitzer Prize-winning #MeToo-launching report is the not-so-hidden hand of none other than Davis. 

NBC News CEO Andy Lack’s lengthy memo to 30 Rock staffers detailing the events surrounding his decision to spike Farrow’s story includes a tidbit about the notorious political fixer showing up unannounced at Rockefeller Center to run interference for Weinstein. 

“Shortly thereafter, Weinstein attorney Lanny Davis arrived, uninvited and without an appointment, in the lobby of Rockefeller Center. Oppenheim went to the lobby and asked him to leave. Davis launched into another attack on McGowan. In an interaction that lasted less than one minute, Oppenheim told Davis there was no McGowan story ready for air at that time, to stop targeting her, and repeated that Weinstein would have an opportunity to respond if/when NBC News was ready to broadcast allegations. “

Davis has recently been prominent in the news as the attorney/advisor for former Trump attorney Michael Cohen. Davis also recently admitted to giving false or misleading information to CNN regarding a story claiming President Trump knew in advance about the infamous Trump Tower meeting with Russian figures. 

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