- The Washington Times - Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Former CIA chief John Brennan came out with some gushing words of praise for NFL anthem-kneeler Colin Kaepernick, saying the newly minted face of Nike actually gave “meaning” to America’s Constitution with his on-field shows and protests. With his kneeling during the playing of the national anthem. With his protesting of the anthem, the signature song of the nation.

Think about that. That’s an odd view for an ex-intel guy to have, don’t you think?

If anything, a CIA chief is supposed to be loyal to America’s interests — a real America First type, unafraid and unashamed to state and show unequivocal love for country. Yes?

Kaepernick, meanwhile, has been unafraid and unashamed to use his elite NFL platform to protest something that’s not even real — the sport-like hunting and targeting by white police against black innocents — and, moreover, not very American, not very supportive of the rule of law. He’s worn pig cop socks to practice, for crying out loud, and then, get this, tried to explain it all away as some sort of quasi-support of cops.

“I wore these socks, in the past,” Kaepernick wrote on Instagram in September of 2016, because the rogue cops that are allowed to hold positions in police departments not only put the community in danger, but also put the cops that have the right intentions in danger by creating an environment of tension and mistrust.”

Hmm, OK. But that’s a whole lot of messaging to expect from one little pair of socks.

Kaepernick, of course, then went on to become the face of the social justice movement — at least, on the NFL field, when cameras were rolling. And fans of America, upset with the perceived ’diss to the country, to the veterans, to the patriots who fought at the forging of this nation, may have subsequently fled Kaepernick’s side, and dumped their NFL tickets.

But not Brennan.

Apparently, Brennan sees “America” when he sees Kaepernick’s face.

“Colin Kaepernick drew our collective attention to the problem of continue racial injustice in America,” Brennan wrote on Twitter. “He did so not to disrespect our flag but to give meaning to the words of the preamble of our Constitution — ’in order to form a more perfect union.’ Well done, Colin, well done.”

He sent out the tweet in response to Nike’s selection of Kaepernick as its face of its 30th anniversary “Just Do It” campaign.

But it seems a bit astonishing that Brennan, out of all the Americans he could select to showcase as an example of fine, upstanding constitutional awareness, chose the individual who’s become, to many, the face of anti-Americanism in recent times.

Then again, given Brennan’s angry Twitter feed, and his public condemnation of all-things-Donald-Trump, all-things-MAGA, maybe it makes perfect sense after all. Kaepernick’s unpatriotic kneeling may, in Brennan’s eyes, be what American patriotism is all about. Here we have it: Two peas in an un-American pod.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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