- Sunday, September 30, 2018

Setting aside the lack of evidence and corroboration, as well as the fundamental legal principle of “innocent until proven guilty,” it remains very clear that the Christine Blasey Ford allegation against Judge Kavanaugh is false.

First, Sen. Dianne Feinstein sat on “the letter” for months. Had the Democrats believed the allegation had the ring of truth, they would have brought the letter up right away and used it to end the hearings early on. Second, had the allegation been true it would not have been accompanied by virulent attacks and threats on the lives of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his wife and daughters. Even Sen. Charles Grassley and his staff have come under vicious attack and received threats. Yet, Mr. Grassley and Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have bent over backward to accommodate Mrs. Ford’s requests instead of insisting that she testify under the same conditions as any other witness. This special treatment has included granting Mrs. Ford’s request to delay her testimony due to her “fear of flying,” which was also proved to be false, and giving her the option of having her testimony taken by designees who would have flown to her location.

Third, had the allegation been true Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife would most likely not have been viciously harassed — to the point of near violence — while dining out, an attempt to sway the senator’s vote.

Finally, had the allegation been true, other allegations would not have been solicited and brought forth at the 11th hour in an attempt to bolster Mrs. Ford’s accusations.

With their actions in this whole matter, leftists and Democrats have made clear their goal to disrupt the nation socially and politically. Only the American people can stop them — and they must at the polls in November.


Silver Spring

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