- Sunday, September 23, 2018

First it was a demand for an FBI investigation of Christine Blasey Ford’s claim of sexual abuse by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Then it was Ms. Ford’s insistence that she testify first. Then Ms. Ford insisted that she and Judge Kavanaugh testify separately. Then she received death threats. Then Ms. Ford said she was willing to tell her story, but only if agreement could be reached on “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety” and that of her family.

Next, it was Ms. Ford’s objection to being questioned by Republicans on the panel, made up only of men. Then Ms. Ford requested that Mark Judge be subpoenaed to testify. (She claims he was in the room the night of the alledged assault.) Then Ms. Ford told the panel she would prefer the committee not use outside counsel to question her because that would make it seem too much like a trial. Then she demanded press coverage equal to that being given Judge Kavanaugh. And now President Trump has entered the fray, asking that Ms. Ford bring forth date, time and place evidence to support her charges.

Democrats are trying to use the Ford accusations to demonstrate that Republicans treat women unfairly. I wonder what further charades will come forth before the vote.


Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

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