- The Washington Times - Friday, September 21, 2018

President Trump accused Sen. Dianne Feinstein and other Democrats on Friday of “very purposefully” waiting to release allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh in order to derail his nomination.

The president demanded that Congress “take the vote” on Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination whether or not Christine Blasey Ford testifies to Congress.

Mr. Trump’s tweet comes just a day after Senate Democrats pressed him to order an FBI investigation into the allegations of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh.

“Career law enforcement officers have specialized training and expertise in this area, and when new evidence emerges, law enforcement professionals regularly follow up on those developments,” the letter read. “This process – including collecting information in a thorough and impartial manner – is how our justice system works.”

Democrats insisted that the FBI investigated Anita Hill’s claims that then-Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas harassed her while they were both federal employees. They argued Mr. Trump’s decision not to press the FBI “abandons the precedent that President George H.W. Bush set” and Republicans supported.

On Wednesday the president said that Senate should address the allegation. The FBI said on Tuesday that the case is not in their jurisdiction.

Ms. Blasey Ford claims that when they were both at a high school party, a “stumbling drunk” Judge Kavanaugh climbed on top of her, covered her mouth, and tried to remove her clothing.

Her attorneys are negotiating with the Senate Judiciary Committee Friday to determine under what terms their client would testify about her allegations.

Sen. Susan Collins, a key and potential swing vote for Republicans on the Kavanaugh vote, responded to Mr. Trump’s tweet Friday afternoon, telling the  Portland [Maine] Press Herald she was “appalled” by the tweets.

• Gabriella Muñoz can be reached at gmunoz@washingtontimes.com.

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