- The Washington Times - Friday, September 21, 2018

For the good of your country, Rod Rosenstein, step down.

If you have a shred of integrity left in you, if you still care about the law and justice as much as you claim, if you still hold to your oath, then quit your position as deputy attorney general of the United States.

It is now clear that you are a fierce partisan working at the highest levels of the Department of Justice.

The notion that someone in your powerful — yet unelected — position would scheme inside the highest levels of the federal government to take out a duly elected sitting United States president is stunning.

Hatching plots to wiretap the Oval Office or invoke a constitutional revolt against a sitting president sounds like a marvelous thriller on Netflix. In real life, it is treasonous.

Even if you were joking about wearing a wire into the Oval Office — still looking for the humor in that one — it reveals how wildly distorted your view of the executive branch has become and far you have fallen since first vowing to uphold the Constitution.

These kinds of sick, twisted sentiments have no place anywhere inside the Department of Justice.

It is a thousand times worse that these are the sentiments of the man who launched the current witch hunt into this fantasy “Russia collusion” canard based on little to zero actual evidence. Instead, it was entirely based on your zealous hatred of the man elected to the presidency by the American people.

Even more stunning is that you remain in charge of that investigation.

No wonder you have allowed Robert Mueller to roam all over the planet, delving back more than a decade to dig up all manner of irrelevant dirt on anybody who ever had any passing relationship with President Trump.

This kind of unfettered assault on American democracy should terrify even the most partisan Democrat.

If you displayed the same level of freakish devotion to the president as you do this freakish hatred of him, Democrats in Congress would leap to their feet demanding that you recuse yourself from the investigation.

Of course you should recuse yourself. But you should also quit and exile yourself from further “public service.”

You don’t owe this to President Trump. As he has already proven time and again, he will weather even this firestorm just fine and emerge unscathed.

Rather, you owe this to the Republic. What you and your swamp vermin have put this country through is as diabolical as it is dishonest.

When President Trump talks about making America “great” again, he is talking about returning to the ideals of a United States of America governed by the people. Not a cabal of unelected, power-drunk swamp heathens such as yourself.

You also owe it to the American voter. Get out of Washington. Travel this country and you will not meet a single voter who says Donald Trump is perfect.

But you will find endless streams of voters who say that Donald Trump is the best thing to happen to this country — and Washington in particular — in more than 30 years.

Is he unorthodox and impolitic and willing to challenge and test the “norms” of Washington? You bet he is. And that is precisely why voters elected him.

⦁ Contact Charles Hurt at churt@washingtontimes.com or onTwitter @charleshurt.

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