- The Washington Times - Friday, September 21, 2018

The left has been having its usual field day with truth, drumming a beat that Christine Blasey Ford is a victim, simply because she pointed a finger Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s way, and therefore she has a right to remain hidden in the shadows, shielded from questioning and criticisms and prying eyes into her past because, after all — she is the Victim.

But let’s get the facts straight. At this point in time, it’s Kavanaugh who’s the victim.

Thirty-some-odd years ago, when this supposed drunken sexual assault by Kavanaugh allegedly occurred, was the time for Ford to claim victimhood.

That would have been the time to call police, alert authorities, tell parents and school officials, collect medical evidence and witness testimonies — all the normal actions people who are victimized by sexual assault actually take. She was suffering and could not deal with the trauma at the time?

OK. Understandable. But Kavanaugh’s been a public figure for years. Surely, at some point between high school and now, Ford could’ve found the strength and inner courage to bring him to her version of justice.

She didn’t. And that’s suspicious in itself. 

Sitting silent for decades, and then, penning a quiet letter of unfounded accusations to a key member of the Senate, who held it for months and only let it reach the light at the most politically fiery of moments, on the eve of a Supreme Court nomination, with absolutely no evidence of what supposedly transpired at a high school party at an undisclosed location and date — now that’s not victimhood. At best, it’s questionable behavior; at worst, it’s purposeful character assassination for the lowest of cause, leftist politics.

Kavanaugh’s supporters are quite right to express skepticism with Ford’s accusations and yes, now, even with her character. It’s not politically correct to say that a woman could lie about a sexual assault simply to cause a man harm.

But the lack of evidence, the lateness of the political hour, the leftist fingers in this highly charged Supreme Court fight, the reluctance of Ford to speak before Congress, the letters and statements of support for Kavanaugh and public vouchings for his character — not to mention Kavanaugh’s own unchanging “not guilty” response to these lone-voice charges — what’s emerging is not sympathetic to Ford, but rather an eye-opening awareness of just how deep the Democrats will go to keep another conservative off the High Court.

Nobody can say with 100 percent assurance what happened on the night in question that Ford’s referencing. But what can be said is this: Ford had a chance, decades ago, to make her case as a victim.

She didn’t.

All this brouhaha that’s swirling now puts Kavanaugh in the victim’s seat.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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