- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Values Voters Summit has arrived in the nation’s capital for the 12th year in a row, and just in time. Amid discord, distractions, media mayhem and the rigors of a fast-approaching election, the three-day event provides a forum for traditional values, drawing 3,000 people and an impressive roster of 65 speakers. The weekend is dedicated to ensuring the “momentum” of bedrock values — along with religious freedom, pro-life causes, the state of conservatism, effective pushback against cultural foes and national security.

“Values voters waited eight years for a leader who puts America’s mission first and respects the values that made America into a great nation. In 2016, values voters were instrumental in the election of President Trump and Vice President Pence,” says Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, chief organizer of the event — to be covered by C-SPAN.

Indeed, a Pew Research Center analysis released in August that charts “political values” of those who voted in the presidential election two years ago found that 98 percent of voters who are “consistently conservative” voted for Mr. Trump; 87 percent of the “mostly conservative” sided with him. The research also found that 77 percent of white evangelicals voted for Mr. Trump.

“Values voters will be coming to our nation’s capital eager to continue the restoration of faith, family, and freedom in American life,” Mr. Perkins says. “Since the early days of the campaign, President Trump allied himself with values voters, promising to put an end to the relentless assault on the First Amendment. Poll after poll has revealed that values voters remain committed to an administration that is committed to keeping their promises and restoring American’s fundamental freedoms.”

The scores of speakers include Mr. Pence, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, analysts Oliver North and Sebastian Gorka, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann, radio hosts Bill Bennett and Dana Loesch, and Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson — who will be speaking from a personal rather than an official standpoint.

The many forum topics include “Reclaiming and preserving conservatism in a counter-Christian culture,” “What the media cannot tell you about the midterm elections,” and “Restoring a generation’s identity.”

The summit will also screen “Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer” by filmmakers Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer. Cast members Dean Cain, AlonZo Rachel and Nick Searcy also will attend.


The saga of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination goes on, expanding to political, legal, social and cultural fronts. Like many observers, columnist and author Ann Coulter said that the press clearly has sided with Democrats who insist that Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are the reason why his nomination should be dismissed.

“If they get away with this, then you have CNN running the country. It’s not even just the Democrats running the country, it’s the media running the country because this allegation can be made against anyone at any time — absolutely non-disprovable,” Ms. Coulter told Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, later adding, “If you fit the narrative, then you’re guilty.”

The host’s own commentary: “We’re in Washington. I’ve been here all my life, and I can say, I have never seen this city crazier, more paranoid, more tense or more dumb.”


“She has the national profile. She has the money. What Sen. Elizabeth Warren may not have, should she decide to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, is the endorsement of Massachusetts voters,” reports none other than The Boston Globe, citing its own new poll, conducted by Suffolk University.

It found that 58 percent of likely Massachusetts voters said they don’t think Ms. Warren should run for the White House.

“This was a shocking finding to me, given that Democrats like her so much, and she has been making moves to run for president. I would have expected her to be leading this list of potential Massachusetts presidential candidates,” said David Paleologos, director of the poll.

It revealed that a mere 32 percent of the voters said Ms. Warren should run — about the “same level of enthusiasm” as the 33 percent generated by former Sen. John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee.


“Any Functioning Adult/2020.”

— Parody presidential campaign bumper sticker spotted by a Washington Times reader in Annapolis, Maryland.

Incidentally, old school bumper stickers still have many fans out there, including those who love stickers with a message from a less stressed political era. Cafe Press — a longtime online purveyor of bumper stickers, T-shirts and other fare — still sells “Reagan/Bush ’84” stickers.


For sale: The Demmler House, a classic landmark Victorian, built in 1887 on one acre in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Five bedrooms, two baths, formal living and dining rooms, family room and den; 3,056 square feet and carefully restored. Original woodwork, floors, leaded windows, grand fireplace and other architectural details; meticulous and gracious upgrades in kitchen and baths. Verandah, enclosed porch, era-appropriate exterior colors, detached two-car garage, manicured lot and mature trees. Priced at $284,900 through Hallrealtygroupllc.com; find this home here


• 59 percent of Americans say there are “too few women in top leadership positions in politics”; 33 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of Democrats, 48 percent of men and 69 percent of women agree.

• 34 percent overall say there are the “right number of women” in political office; 57 percent of Republicans, 17 percent of Democrats, 43 percent of men and 26 percent of women agree.

• 48 percent overall prefer an “equal number of men and women” in high political office; 27 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of Democrats, 39 percent of men and 56 percent of women agree.

• 6 percent overall say there are “too many women” in political office; 9 percent of Republicans, 3 percent of Democrats, 8 percent of men and 4 percent of women agree.

• 6 percent overall prefer “more women than men” in political office; 2 percent of Republicans, 11 percent of Democrats, 5 percent of men and 7 percent of women agree.

Source: A Pew Research Center poll of 4.587 U.S. adults conducted June 19-July 2 and released on Thursday.

• Kindly follow Jennifer Harper on Twitter @HarperBulletin

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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