- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh has moved out of the field of nomination and into the bizarro field of male-bashing.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation has now become the left’s means of publicly hating on males — white males, in particular, at least according to “The View” host Joy Behar.

Could we please circle this circus show on back to the matter at hand, which, as anyone with long memories can attest, is supposed to be about upholding the integrity of America’s judicial system?

Oh yeah, about that. Behar’s busy doing this instead, speaking in context of discussing the players in the Senate Judiciary Committee who are responsible for Kavanaugh’s confirmation: “These white men, old by the way, are not protecting women,” she said during a recent show, Fox News reported.

And then this marvel of investigative prowess: “They’re protecting a man who is probably guilty.”

On the basis of that standard — “probably guilty” — Behar then demanded Kavanaugh take a lie detector test.

“Let’s see that from you, or are you a coward?” she asked.

At least her hatred is rooted in anti-conservatism, anti-Donald Trumpism. Sen. Mazie Hirono, on the other hand, has gone off the anti-Trump reservation into Hate Men Land.

Speaking on CNN about Christine Blasey Ford’s flimsy — and getting flimsier by the minute, mind you — accusations against Kavanaugh, Hirono had this to say: “[W]hat really bothers me and gets me so angry is the White House is victimizing [Ford]. … Guess who’s perpetuating all these kinds of actions? It’s the men in this country. I just want to say to the men of this country — just shut up and step up. Do the right thing for a change.”


Apparently, in Hirono’s world, when a woman makes an accusation, that’s it. Due process done. The guilty finding is in. No need for court, jury, judge or trial. A woman’s accusation is not to be challenged.

She doubled down on that view on CNN.

“Not only do these women need to be heard,” Hirono said, as Elle reported, “they need to be be believed. And you know what, we’re setting up on Monday a situation where there’s not even a modicum of fairness extended to her through an appropriate FBI investigation so there can be at least some attempt at corroboration. She’s not even going to get that and now she’s being faulted for not coming forward? Give me a break here.”

Hirono’s entitled to her opinion, same as everybody else.

But her escalation of the Kavanaugh hearings to encompass the “men of this country” not only shows her inner anger at males — all males, not just Kavanaugh, or Trump, or even Republican males or even “white men, old by the way,” as Behar had the courtesy to single out — is a ridiculous line of rhetoric that needlessly persecutes an entire gender.

All men are evil?

Even to the ears of the most radical feminists, that must seem over-the-top.

Let’s please quit using Kavanaugh as a platform to dump on all the nation’s men — all the nation’s white men. This is about the Supreme Court, for goodness sake, not hating on men.

• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com or on Twitter, @ckchumley.

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